Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Five Years Later

Hanna was so happy, her little kit was now five years old and was growing into an endless ball of energy and was learning so much. She and her mate had never officially named their kit, so Hanna had resigned to calling him her little Treasure. Her mate was never around, and taking care of a baby demon tired her constantly, but her kit was a good child and was starting to realize he was stronger than her. However, she worried that her little Treasure would suffer not having a proper demon parent to teach him the yokia ways and traditions. Hanna made sure to tell her little Treasure how much he resembled his Father. She would even plead with her Husband, begging him to not leave all the time, that his kit needed him around, but like always he would ignore her.

She had been forbidden from ever taking herself or their kit from the cave that they called home. Not that it was a bad cave, In fact her Husband had use his powers from the Mother to turn the inside of the cave into the perfect home for them. However, it was a chore to keep such an active little kit inside, she had to result in telling him that it was too dangerous due to the wolves that were always prowling around, and our only solace being the inside of our home.

However, today was a special day, for it was the day her Husband was going to come home and celebrate their sons day of birth. And hopefully the day they will both choose a name for their son. Her little Treasure was so excited, and had been jumping around all day, unable to contain himself. Hanna had prepared everything for tonight, wanting everything to be perfect, including fixing her Husband's and kit's favorite meal. She wanted everything to be perfect. Tonight might even be the night that Inari-sama would mark their kit as one of her own. Tonight could even be the night her Husband would finally reveal his own true name to her; So she would be able to call for him, and be closer to him. She was so happy. She was snapped out of happy little day dream, by her kit pulling at the hem of her red hakama, making sure that her attention was on him.

"Mommy, the surprise you said I was going to get tonight? Please?" He pleaded, tails wagging happily.

"Oh my Treasure, wouldn't you rather it stay a surprise?" She asked, stopping log enough to pick her little kit and set him on her shoulder.

"Please! Ppplllleeeeaasssee!!" He begged, barely keeping still and almost slipped off her shoulder.

She couldn't help, but to giggle at his cute childish display of excitement, as she try to help steady him. "Okay little one. I will not tell you your present, but I will say that by the end of tonight you will be introduced to someone wonderful. And maybe even other kitsunes."

"There are more of us?!" He asked excitedly with wide yellow eyes.

"Of course there are more. Did you think we were the only ones, little one?" She giggled tickling under his chin with her fingers before to preparing the celebration meal.

He nodded his head. "Does that mean that you can look like me and I can look like you?" He asked, tails wagging even faster now.

Hanna sighed. "Hmm, someday you will be able to shift into a two legged form. However, Your Father and I will always have this one form." She explained, hoping that she explained it right for her kit. Upon hearing that he made an excited noise and hopped off her shoulder, stumbling slightly from the landing. He stood in the middle of their and closed his eyes making a grunting noise. Curios and not taking her eyes off her kit Hanna abandoned the food for the moment. "My Treasure what are you doing?" She asked, although she could venture a guess. Through their bond she could feel her kit trying to gather energy, to gather his chakras.

"I'm going to turn two legged like you." He declared, baring his teeth and gripping the floor with his claws as he tried harder.

She could feel how hard he was trying too. She could feel the vibrations of his power through their bond, but she also knew that he was not going to transform at such a young age. "Now, now," She said, picking him up and breaking his concentration.

Kitsune no Daku: Daku's Origin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now