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(I love that AMV)


"Killed 600 on one day, slaghtered a whole state?! Eliminated the people of a whole village?? Your greater than we thought Uchiha" said one of the mist criminal minds.

"Get to the point will ya?" Sasuke said annoyed, which caused the criminak to sigh.

"But incredibly young... I am sorry you need to be over 21..." he continued. Sasuke was offended by this, he has trained hard, and just heard these vad news.

"What?? I'm the best you can possibly get! If you accept me then your record might even-" Sasuke tried looking for any excuse, he had to change this guy's mind. But it didnt work. The criminal slammed his hands against his desk, whom had taken Sasuke aback.

"Rules are rules Sasuke Uchiha! I can't change them! Now leave" he gave his final order. Sasuke, aggressively punched the desk, kicked the door open and left. He swore to himself, he woukd be better, without any help...


"Another murder had happened near Konoha Village... sadly a family of 3 was murdered by a young boy, who named himself  'Bloody Raven' please stay indoors, and stay safe"  The news reporter announced. This was a young boy, about Naruto's age, 16 or 17. Naruto, whom was watching the news, got a bit scared, he wanted to protect his city, so he swore on his family... he would become a policeman, following the Uzumaki generation, and arrest this Bloody Raven.

"Stupid Raven" Naruto growled, slurping his ramen, not enjoying it by the amount of anger he had.

Naruto, was a policeman already, but wasn't sent on important stuff, just guarding on front, but not for so long. Naruto recieved a call from his Boss, he was sent on his first mission! He had to search for this 'Bloody Raven'

The blond turned off the TV, he had enough information of this dude, such as, he was now INSIDE the village. Naruto got into his police uniform, went to get his new police car and left off to get this Bloody Raven.

Naruto started off by searching the arsernals, no answer... he then went and searched all the caves, alwo no answer. Naruto had already went all over the village, maybe it was a joke..?
He shook his head, maybe he wasn't looking enough. He couldn't let his parents down, or family. But the unexpected happened...

"Just give it brat!" A black haired boy, with spiky hair yelled, he and another man, who looked older where on a tiny courner. It looked like he was asking for the bag of drugs.

"B-Bloody Raven...?!" The man asked, almost chocking to death.

Bingo! Young age, has a lot of tattoos like a murderer, this has to be him! Naruto thought as he webt to grab his gun.

"Freeze!" The blond yelled, pointing his gun torwards the raven. He looked forwards Naruto and glared.

"Sorry officer... me and my friend are just having a tiny friendly issue here" He said, trying to convince Naruto, but didn't work.

"I can see your tattoo... a-and he clearly called you Bloody Raven" Shoot! Naruto mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"I see, my cover was blown by him..." He said, tightening his grip more, making the neck of the man snap bit by bit.

"Stop... I'll shoot you!" Naruto warned.

"Oops" Sasuke grabbed his knife and stabbed the man, in his forehead, his knife had traspassed the wall, so he left the knife along with the body, hanging as if it was a beautiful bloody painting.

Naruto's eyes widened, he didn't save the man... and this Raven Guy was insane! Naruto stepped back a bit, still pointing his gun.

"Man... your cute!! If you weren't a victim, I would have made you feel so good right now" The spiky haired boy started coming closer and closer to the blond. "Too bad huh?"

"W-What if you make me feel good... then kill me?" Naruto asked with a smirk, the boy was shocked, but instantly agreed. As soon as he was about to kiss Naruto, Naruto punched him as hard as he could on his face, knocking him straight down. He grabbed him, before he hit the floor and dragged him to the car.

"That was so risky..." Naruto whispered to himself while driving. He looked at the mirror of his car, and saw the raven peacefully sleeping. Naruto doesn't know why, but it sent butterflies to his stomach by watching him just sleep.


"Woah... you brought the ACTUAL Bloody Raven..." the sheriff looked at the boy Naruto dragged, the rest of the officers helped Naruto drag him into a cell, and placed him on a bed, so when he woke up, he could be interviewed and added to the ' Criminals Record '


A long time passed, tbe raven had finally woken up, and surpisingly found himsekf in a daek room, he blinked twice and noticed where he was, jail.

"No... no!" He whispered to himself, standing up and leaning to the bars. "Let me out!!!" He yelled.

"Your awake" the blond from earlier walked torwards the cell.

"You... you brought me here?!" The raven growled, eaening a chuckle from Naruto.

"Yessir!!" He grinned.

"But you look weak..." he whispered to himself, earning a glare from the blond.

"Not my fault a so called "Most Wanted Criminal" let his guard down... to a COP for sex" the blond said, laughing a lot. The raven, noticed his mistake and mentally slapped himself.

"Ok ok I get it... stop laughing" He said pouting.

"Soo... as a repay, tell me your name!" Naruto asked with a smile.

"No" The raven smiled back.

"Whatever I'll know it soon anyways, Criminal Record, duh!" He rolled his eyes.

"Officer Uzumaki, you are in charge of the care of the new prisoner, Bloody Raven, since you caught him, your also i  charge on the Criminal Record of his, all ordered by the Sheriff Tsunade" one of the officers spome, his name was Kiba, whom was always with his police dog, Akamaru.

The blond nodded and opened Sasuke's cell. He handcuffed him and guided him to a white room.


"July 23rd"





"Name and Last name?"


The blond frowned.
"How about I tell you, and you tell me? Deal?" Naruto asked with a smile. Sasuke rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Well my name is Naruto Uzumaki, my birthday is in October 10th, my height is
166.O, and my weight is 50.9"

"Sasuke Uchiha..." The raven finally gave in.

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