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Damn it, now I need a new job, but first.. help Sasuke escape. I figured out my goal. I'm so thankful I became a cop and caught that brat but.. I konda like that brat, and I wanna help him.
They didn't take away the prison keys from me.. or anything.

Hang in there... Sasuke- Kun.


Sasuke POV

"What did you do with Officer Uzumaki? Why isin't he guarding my cell?" I asked. No answer. I have been here, with this dog freak all day, he has been glaring at me, and justignoring my questions. And his dumb dog growling at me.

"Officer Kiba, give our inmate some food" the boss said.

"Yes sir" he said once and opened the cell, letting himself in amd then locking it again.

"Heh.. I'm just gonna let you starve" he said chuckling, I stare at him, no, glare.

"Starve?" I asked. "That's fine, I had plenty of food yesterday" I said smirking. "By a certain blondie.. ah! He was... tasty" I said once again.

"You liar!" The officer Kiba got mad, and punched me in the face, making me fall off my bed, and cough out blood. I wipe away the blood from my lip, and gave him a smile.

"Your so annoying.." he murmurred.

"Is it because I had the chance with Naruto and not you?" I asked.

"I've always liked him! And you came in the way" he said once again, violantly punching me again, repeatedly, treating me like a punching bag, trash, anything.

All I could feel.. was the pain of my little blondie not being here.. nothing else.


Naruto POV

"I... need help freeing someone from jail" I told my friends.

"Someone.. from jail?! Aren't you.."  Shikamaru said.

"Yes, I got fired" I said.

"O-Oh.. N-Naruto are you.. s-sure about this" Hinata asked.

"Yes, 100%" I said once again.

"We'll help you, but you'll help us one day too" Shikamaru warned.

"Yeah! Anything dude!" I jumped excitedly.

"Hinata, is good at the Katana, I, I am good at fighting and at any sort of weapon. And you Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

"I.. since I was a cop, a gun, and.. I habe taken defense lessons Jui Jitsu, and Taekwando (idk if i spelled correctly and idc UwU) and well, Ive been told im good with a sharp stuff"

"oH" Hinata and Shikamaru both said at the same time.

"So lets get our plan ready.." I said seriously.


Sasuke POV

It's has been the whole day.. no breakfast, or any sort of food. I felt a bit weak.. yet, I was beaten up. I had a few bleeding spots on my face, but I ignored it. I also noticed the floor was full of blood spots. My head.. it hurts like shit too.

And I cant stop thinking about.. Naruto. Is he ok? Is he upset at me? Does he hate me? All these questions, I badly need an answer for them or i'll go crazy for sure.

I wonder.. how is he doing.. how would he react if he saw me this weak.. Maybe if I hadn't been so selfish for my sex desires, he'd be here, working, by my side, and gusrding my cell. Maybe we'd be cuddling right now. Maybe I wouldn't be beaten up or this weak. Maybe I wouldn't be starving..?

I mess up everything. It's like I am cursed. I affect everyone.. Naruto deserves better. Maybe.. Officer Dog Smell is better..

"Naruto.." I whispered before passing out.



"So... this is what were going to do?" I asked. Shikamaru nodded. And Hinata, as shy as ever slighly nodded too. We can do this.. For sure!


"Let's get to the fun part"

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