Chapter 2

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"You want some more pot pie?" Julia asked, getting up to get herself some more lemonade. "I made plenty."

"No, I couldn't eat another bite," Sahara responded, wiping her mouth with her napkin. She pushed her plate away. "But thanks, though. It was delicious."

"Glad you like it. 'Cause I'm sending some home with you."

Sahara chuckled. "All right."

She watched as her mother filled a big Tupperware container with the remaining chicken pot pie and then wrapped up a huge hunk of the German chocolate cake she baked. It was Sahara's favorite. Julia was always doting on Sahara and Rison and Sahara would be lying to herself if she tried to say she hated it. She loved that she and her mother were so close and she hoped that she and Rison would have that kind of relationship.

After Julia finished packing the bag of things to send home with her daughter and granddaughter, which ended up including more than just the pot pie and the cake, she rejoined Sahara at the table. Rison was in the living room watching the Spongebob Squarepants DVD that Julia had gotten for her.

"So, how are you two holding up?" Julia asked.

"Rison is okay, I think. She still asks her questions but she seems happy. I, on the other hand, still find myself missing Kyle."

Julia's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

"Yes. Maybe I shouldn't, but I want him back. I just get so lonely, Ma; I never, ever would've thought that I would be getting a divorce, for any reason."

Julia looked at her daughter sympathetically and reached over to rub her hand. "I know, baby. I've been there. Getting used to being alone after having been married can be tough, and when there are children involved, it's a whole 'nother story."

Sahara nodded and looked thoughtfully down at the ground. After a few moments, she looked at her mother and asked, "Do you think I'm stupid for wanting him back after what he did to me?"

"Of course not, baby. You're human. And when you're in love, you're willing to overlook a lot of things. Love is powerful and can make you accept things you otherwise wouldn't. But just remember that even if you and Kyle did get back together, it still wouldn't solve your problems. You were lonely and having trouble before you found out about Wanda."

"Yeah, that's true," Sahara admitted sadly.

"This is a tough time for you, and it hurts me to watch you go through it. But you can. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Just focus on Rison and growing your business and take getting over Kyle one day at a time. It gets easier, trust me."

Sahara smiled at her mother and squeezed her hand, thankful to have her. This had to be the toughest time of her life and she didn't know if she would be able to get through it as well as she was if it wasn't for her mother in her corner, giving her encouragement. Julia had been through all of this herself so she knew what Sahara was going through, although Sahara thought that Julia had handled it much better than she seemed to be. Julia never seemed like she missed her ex-husband, and if she did, she did an award-worthy job of hiding it. Sahara just wasn't that good of an actress.

Ever since she met Kyle during her sophomore year of high school, he had her. They didn't even begin seriously dating until their junior year, but Sahara always had a feeling that they would end up together. She loved how he seemed to have all of his stuff together; he had a five, ten and twenty year plan and knew exactly how he wanted to go about working it.

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