chapter 1 the talk

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"Boys!!!" Said nana as she walks to samba and kion. "Yes mom" kion Anson with samb walking de hind him." me and the girls are going now," said nana "bey mom bey kear" Huang Thames both. "Good bey on" walks over to her meet "samba, try to keep come, "nana said "what do you meen," said samba knowing what she was talking about."Ha I mean kion is more wiler and hipper than you think." nana told her meet "nana he is my son I would know this" samba said "just keep an eye on him" nana says. " you," samba says "love you too see you in a week," nana says with worry in her eays. "Come on girls time to go" nana demand. All 4 fo they leave

"dad I'm going to find my fands" kion tell him "okay but keep you eay out fo Jaja we have not seen them in a days samba says to his son "we will dad," said kion "and be home by sun dawn" samba won his son home day by time. "Okay beeerey," kion said ( leave pied rock)

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