chapter 17 thay try to help

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"Bushs" ono said " " yes ono" he reply. " can I talk to you alone for a minute" ono said " Ummm..... Okay, hay fuil azard me and ono have to go we see you later" busht said. " oh okay see you later" azard said.

Ono and bushs want somewhere purview " okay what up" bushs said " I don't think kion is alright"
" what!!??, what is wong with kion!!??" Bushs said. " well I was flying around one day and over heard kion talking to buang. And you remember wan fuil said he was That kion was ther" one said " yes" busht anson him " well if that is so that kion say fuil and azard" 
Ono said " yes, what wong with that???"  Buhst said. " that day kion and buang was talking about how kion LIKE LIKE FUIL!!!!!" Ono said   " what, we need to find him and asp" busht said.

" yes follow me" one said. Once that found buang and kion. " kion are you okay" buhst said "yahe...????" Kion was very confuse. " kion we know about the fuil thang" ono said. Kion eyes widen " h-how!?!?...." Kion said shocked than he look over at buang. With anger in his voice he said " BYANG" " it was not me I swear I'll Cross My heart Hope To Die" buang said. " I overheard y'all talked about in one day" ono said. Kion look at ono whit disbelief. " oh..sorry buang" kion said " it's fine you didn't know" buang said." So are you okay" bushes  said. " yes but it's getting late I got to get hime... bye see you tomorrow" kion said  walking away  fame his fands. Ono bushes, buang  said at the same time "he's not okay." " it's like an hour til he has to be home" busht said " yeah, and kion likes to say out really late" buang adds. " hay it takes a little bit to get over a heartbreak" ono said in a worry toner.

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