chapter 18 no Dental

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Back at Pride rock. " kion where did you go and what was that fight with dad about" Keara said. I did not high with dad and I want nowaer."   Kion was getting kind of annoying with his sister. He just wants to be alone. But he knew he already has started she's not going end it.

Kion was tiring to go behind pride rock but keara for I don't go him and stopped him. "okay kion I know all that happened wan I was gone so we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice" Keara said. Uag... and I thought today couldn't get any worse" kion said

" what do you want, " Kio said as he rolled his eyes. " first I want to know why you be so disrespectful today," Keara said " I can do what I want to beat and you don't tell me what to do," kion said. Keara was shocked she never heard her little brother speak like this before. " Kion I just need to talk with you," Keara said " NO!!!" Kion said.

" hey Kion are you hungry that why you're so angry, do you know dinner is ready," Keara said. " Keara a not hungry....just learn me alone" tears were starting to form in Kion's eyes. Keara lifted his head up so he was forced to look at her. kion, something wong let's talk about it" Keara said. But her litter father just back up look at the grand and dated his eyes remembering that he had to be strong cuz he was on the lion guard and look up and his older sister with anger in his eyes.

" Sorry sis but I think I'll take the hard way" than kion jumped on top of her that he knocked her to the ground and ran all the way to the back to pride rock. Wan Keara got up she disliked to give him some time.

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