chapter 11 kionxfuil

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                With kion and fuil
Boom, boom kion bang into the rocks trying to get out " it no use we will be heard forever" fuil said " what....fuil what won't your always so hopefully" kion said " this is all my fault I....i know we were close to the outlands but did not say anything" fuil said. "It's not your fault I was the one that wonted to playfight but....look water it got us" kion said.

" kion, I-i kind don't want git out" full said. " WAHT!!!!.... Why" kion ask really confused. " I don't want to heart you" full said " huat would you just me" kion said  " because I am a chest we live alone the colet I have to a family is the lion guard( started to cut) I do this all the time but you a lion you don't go on your o- " git up cales to her   " what does that have to do with anything" kion said

             "Kion I do this all the time and you have always took the balm for what buang got you in to you nave take anyone what actually happened besides for the lion guard and knowing your father your will git in tuaoer and" " I will coving you and be find like away so you see the no reason to be worry about me don't cir" kion said  " I'm find now" fuil said. " okay cuz thar is something I have wonnt to tell you for a relly long time"

kion said kion thinking God how am I'm going to do that. " I...i have been in love with you for a really long time now" kion said fuil kiss the side of his face. " kion,I love you to" fuil said " do?!?!" kion ask  " yes" fuil reply. And than all the rock fall down. " so now  thay come down" kion said " yes we feer" fuil said kuon see jusier "

thank-you jusear"kion said " and jaja" jusear said kion look over at Jaja. Kion similar " thank you jaja but why" kion said. " oh kion did I not tell you ha ha is good now" jusear said    " he is????" Kion ask. " yes, sorry it took so long to get you out we would have gotten you out sooner but my canld fall asleep in the middle of the job" jaja said all 3 jaja, jusear and join look at the sleeping hanys  "how long was we n there" fuil ask.  "ummmm..... I'm not sure but it's like 1:30" jusear said. " are you both okay the rocks fall on top of you" jusear said

" oh no" fuil said just religious something "what wong " kion said   " oh God we got to git back home" fuil said  "your right, jusear jaja I'll see you later" kion said that both start going home" when thay git back " that was one night" fuil said " yes it was" kion reply.       
" No" kion said "what wong kion" fuil said. " I see my dad...  RUN!!!!!!" Koin said. Fuil did as take and ran away.

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