In the Beginning

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August 8th, 1859.

Daegu, South Korea.

I was born during the last decades of Joseon dynasty. In a small town, our family owned a farm land, we have a total of fifty families working for us. You can see a lot of foreigners during the time I was born, Japanese men everywhere, mother and father never let me out of our house, not because of the bad people who wants to claim Korea, but because of people who hunts our kind, vampire hunters. Only two pure blooded vampire familes are remaining, the Noh and Choi. The Noh clan lived in Seoul while us lived in Daegu. Mother and father never allowed me to go out, even outside the house. I am only allowed to play by myself inside the mansion.

"Seungcheol ah, have you finished reading your book of logic?" mother asked me, I was sitting beside a window, looking out the fields of root crops as people were harvesting.

"I will go to Seoul to deliver the crops for Mr. Nakamura" father reminded us, his cigar lit against his lips, the smell was awful for me.

"Are you scrunching?" mother asked me, I was only seven, I had no idea what that cigar is for, but it smelled awful.

"Boy, you will smoke when you grow up, it makes you a real man" father chuckled before leaving as mother led her out.

I stared outside the window once again, only to find a boy looking back at me, I quickly sat back, I felt scared, someone, a human saw me. I ran downstairs, I must eliminate him, I cannot let anyone see me. It was scorching hot outside but I didn't care, I ran to the back of the mansion to find the boy until I bumped someone, making me sit straight on the hot soil. "Oh, I am sorry boy, are you the new family's son who just moved in?" a middle-aged man asked me, a woman noticed us and walked closer. "Oh dear, you hurt your leg, come, let me treat that" the woman poked my leg, making me shake, I pulled my leg away and groaned in pain.

"Can you talk?"

Seungcheol, never talk to humans, they are bad.

I shook my head, the man suddenly carried me, they took me to their little house next to the field. I was surprised to see the boy from earlier with a girl. "Mingyu, fetch me a pail of clean water, will you?" the woman ordered, the boy looked at me before looking at the woman. "Momma, he's from the mansion" the boy mumbled, my sharp senses letting me hear a few meters away.

"Mingyu, there are no kids in the mansion, now go get water"

The woman held my knee and I flinched, she apologized before cleaning the scratch. I was just staring at her soft hands, she cleaned the scratch and applied some herbs "Does it hurt?" she asked me, I shook my head and she gave a gentle smile, the man was cooking something as their children were simply staring at me. It went quiet until a loud knock bombarded their door.

"Minseo, Mingyu, stay back" the man told them, holding an axe with his other hand, he opened the door, only to see my mother with a worried face.

"Minseok, Minseok, my son is missing, please help me" she cried, I gulped, my mother.

"Calm down Mrs. Choi" he reassured, the woman then pulled me to stand up.


"Seungcheol? Seungcheol!" she ran to me, hugging me tightly.

I felt safe once again, the couple gasped, no one knows about my existence until now. Since then, my parents entrusted the Kims, even our family secret. Mingyu and I became so close, like brothers, sometimes he sleeps over, we'll share my bed and read books or play wooden swords.Minseo is adorable, she's everyone's favourite.

It was all fun and games until everything was ruined. I was eight, Mingyu was six, we were playing wrestling on my bed when a loud crash sound fill the air, as an older, I walked out first, Mingyu following behind,we ran downstairs only to find his parents covered with blood. "M-Minseo" he panicked, I pulled him to hide on the stock room as two men wearing black clothes showed up, stabbing my parents with a wooden stick, straight to the heart. I covered my mouth as tears ran down my cheeks, soon they pulled Minseo and killed her, I held Mingyu's hand tightly as we sobbed quietly.

"There's none, I interrogated the workers, no son of the Choi, they have no child at all to pass the heredity, Choi clan ends here" the two celebrated as they pile up our family, pouring gas and starting fire.

Mingyu looked at me, his eyes shining from tears.

"Wake up"


"Wake up"

"Seungcheol hyung! You're having a nightmare!"

I opened my eyes to see Chan's eyes looking straight at him, I was covered in sweat, panting. I wiped the sweat off with my shirt, taking it off. Chan smiled softly, handing me a dry shirt, I put it on, it's a week now, after that incident with the Noh and I'm still in recovery phase, they sent me to Busan to have a proper rest since I have to recover fast and the only vampire hospital in South Korea is there.

"The nurses were panicking so they called the doctor"

"I'm fine"

"You need blood, oppa" Yuju reminded, checking my fingers.

"I'm fine, I just need rest"

"Hyung, we already called..." Chan was about to continue when a vampire security went in the room.

"Excuse me sir, but a human named Jang Doyoon is outside"

No, not Doyoon. I can't let him suffer.

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