Chapter 7

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Harley's POV-

Walking into school on Monday was odd to say the least. People parted to let Peter through.

The only person who seemed to not know the news of Peter being Spiderman was Flash.

"Hey, Parker! What, you got cancer now? People too scared to get near you in case you rub off?" He jeered.

"No, Flash, that's not why. Did you not read the news?" Harley said. "Peter, why don't you give him a demonstration?"

Peter shrugged and jumped, standing on the ceiling and unlocking his locker while upside down. Flash went pale.

"Don't mess with him, Flash. Or you'll get the Avengers and a very angry Harley on your tail." Harley said. Flash nodded and scampered off. 

"Thanks, Harls." Peter said softly as he dropped back down beside Ned and started the handshake they had. Harley smiled at them then looked down

Yeah, he had fallen for him.

And he'd fallen fast.

And saying he'd fallen hard was an understatement.

"You alright there, Harley?" Peter asked, making Harley look up.

"Y-yeah, I'm good." He said.

-time skip-

During first period, Harley was doodling in his notebook, then looked up to see Peter looking adorable as he bent over his books and concentrated on his notes, tongue sticking out slightly. Harley grinned and flipped to a new page, sketching him quickly before folding it and slipping it to Peter.

Peter looked at it then blushed at the words under the drawing. "You're too cute for this world. Stop looking so cute or I might just have to kiss you. -H" Peter grabbed a sticky note and moved to stick it onto Harley's desk.

"If you did kiss me, I wouldn't hate it. In fact, I think I would love it. No, scratch that. I know I would. -P."

It was Harley's turn to become a blushing mess.

"Then don't stop being cute, and I'll kiss you when we don't have an audience. -H."

"I can't wait. -P"

-time skip-

Once classes were over, Harley climbed into Happy's car with Peter, excited when he saw the partition separating them was already up. The car started moving and Harley settled his hand over Peter's.

"I wasn't kidding earlier." He whispered.

"Neither was I." Peter whispered. "So now I'm just wondering what you're waiting for."

Harley laughed and leaned down, gently kissing him. His hand migrated to Peter's thigh, rubbing his knee carefully. The brunette groaned slightly into the kiss and tangled his fingers into his blonde hair, tugging it.

When the car stopped, Harley pulled back, breathing heavily. Peter's face was flushed red and his hair was a mess. He grinned.

"Hey, Pete?"

"Yeah, Harls?"

"Would you be my boyfriend?" 

Peter paused and smiled, raking a hand through his hair. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be your boyfriend, Harley." He whispered.

They walked into the tower hand in hand, Peter staying close to the taller boys side. Tony looked up and smiled as he saw them.

"Finally! The sexual tension between you two has been so thick!" He said with a grin. Peter blushed a deep red.

"M-mr Stark!" He yelled, spluttering with embarrassment. Harley just laughed.

"He's not wrong, you know." He whispered, leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Now come on." He said, laughing as he pulled Peter out of the room and to his bedroom.

Peter giggled as he followed, hanging onto Harley's hand until they were collapsed onto the bed together.

What happened after was something that Peter would never want his Aunt May to see.

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