chapter 9

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surprise surprise!! I'm back do anyone miss me? No Okay thats what I thought. I'm sorry I left the story hanging. I cant believe I left this story with 100 reads and now I have 500+ reads. I'm so happy to see the drastic change. I also got notifications saying that you amazing people put my shitty story into your reading lists. I appreciate it so much thank u thank u thank u i love you!!! Today is the first day of holiday and i'm going to start school next year. I know no one cares I just love it say it!!!! I know this one is very short but i tried my best. I have long writers block as u see from january 6 until now *rolls eyes* anyway here is the ninth chapter hope u enjoy it. please VOTE AND COMMENT!!  

i value every vote and comment bc i love u *hugs*

Chapter NINE


"Fine. I thought for a second that I should be responsible for this but since you say no to me, I decide to leave you alone with this piece of worthless shit" he pointed at my stomach. "Ah- what?!" I said in between sobs and my mouth formed into an 'O' shaped. I touched my stomach.

"How dare you," I said in an unbelieving tone. "I don't care if you want to be responsible or not. I can live without you. This baby will grow as a beautiful girl without you. This baby is not a piece of worthless shit. You are a piece of worthless shit" I sobbed. He rolled his eyes and left me alone.

He went downstairs. "Mrs. Winters, I'm sorry I have to leave my dad calls me and need me home by now. Emergency" he lied. My mom frowns. "Aw, that's too bad. Well come again Drew, and say hi to your mom" she waved. He waved goodbye to my mom and brother. My mom smiled, unlike my brother. He gave him a death glare which makes Drew flinched and drove away.

"Such a sweet gentleman, isn't he" my mom complimented Drew. Jake scoffed. "very" he replied and ran upstairs. "He left. Hey, what happened" he came in my room. He caresses my back as I sobbed into pillows. "He called my baby a worthless shit"

"Shh shh.." Jake calming me. "Stop worrying about it, it will mess up your baby. If momma's sad, the baby must be sadder. Now I don't want you to stress out. Never think about Drew anymore. Never. You have to promise me okay?" Jake said while his index finger wipes away my wet cheek.

He is right, I shouldn't be stressed out. I love my baby I don't want anything bad happen to her because of me. I smiled and nodded, "I promise" he smiled and hug me. "That's my girl"


"Naomi" my mom called me after hung up on her phone call. "Here" I replied while chewing apples and watching the TV. "I just got off the phone with Mrs. Garcia—"

"That's great" I cut her off. She rolled her eyes and sat beside me. "She said you must go to the prenatal yoga class," she said happily. I choked on my apples. "For what?" I said while coughing and touching my stomach. "Aw cmon, Naomi. It's good for you and your baby. There's this prenatal yoga class downtown, you can go with Mason. When he's coming back from his business trip?" my mom asked. I gulped. "He's coming back in 5 months.." I lied. "Such a busy rich man" she smiled. "Go with your brother—Jake!!" she yelled. "No!! It would be awkward. I'll go later with my friend. Please not now. My baby wants to watch American Next Top Model" I said while chewing my apple. My mom nodded and left.

"Baby, you want to be a model huh? If you want to be a model you have to study first. You must be a smart model so you can marry someone like Mason" I caress my baby lump. I know she can hear it.

Suddenly, halfway watching antm my phone buzzed. I reached out and look at the dialler's name. "Kirstie" I click the answer button. "Hey" I greeted.

"Hey, Naomi. How are you? And the baby and especially the daddy" she joked. I can hear her faint giggle. I look around the make sure my mom wasn't near me and she can't hear me talking. "I'm fine, the baby is fine. I just found out the gender" I smiled. "Really? Oh my god," she screamed. I place the phone far from my ears. Hell, I don't wanna be deaf. "Is it a girl or a boy??!!" she exclaimed. I'm pretty sure she is jumping up and down right now. "I told you, I found out HER gender, Kirstie" I laughed.

 "Oh my god a girl!!! We are so making a baby shower" she cheered. I grin from ear to ear. "Aw Kirstie, you're so nice" I blushed. "I know, you don't have to worry. All you have to do is show up and bring your big ass and your big stomach" she laughed. "Stop it" I smiled.

"I almost forgot. How is Mr. Prince Charming" she asked. "Mr. Prince Charming is back to his castle with his Princess and live happily ever after, Kirstie" I rolled my eyes. She snorted "How can he left to his castle and leave his princess and his little princess alone" I blush at the title little princess.

"Will he ever coming back?" she suddenly said in a sad tone. I zoned out for a second "I don't think so" I smiled bitterly. "Aw Naomi, what are you going to tell your mom! She's going to ask you one day"

"I think you're late for that. She asked me just now" I heard she gasped. "I told her he's going for a business trip for five months" I replied. "She bought that?!" Kirstie asked. I replied with a short 'mhmm'. "Naomi honey, you've been into so much. I wish I could be there to hug you" she cried.

"Kirstie, you're so sweet. Hey, by the way, mom asks me to go to a pregnant yoga class thingy. Mind going to the class with me?" I asked. "Are you crazy?! Of course, I will! We could be a happy couple" she chirped. "Just accompanies me as my friend" I smiled.

"No" she replied shortly. Oh. "But I will accompany you as your best friend!" she screamed. "Yeah okay you got me there" I laughed. "I'd love to continue chat with you but I got to go. I call you later okay. Muah muah love u girl" she hung up. I smiled and pressed the end call.


Kirstie's POV

Baby shower? Hmm. I thought after I hung up my call with Naomi. Yea sure I could manage a baby shower. I dialed a number and it rang for a moment. Suddenly the person picks up.

"Hey babe... I know I haven't called you since forever, I'm sorry... He did what? Hahaha oh boy. Oh yeah, the reason I called you is I want you to help me make a baby shower.. not me who pregnant you dummy. It's my friend... Really??! Yay, you're so sweet. Thank you... sure I'll meet you at your place... Alright.. Thanks, Jess!!"

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