Chapter 3 Kidnapped?

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Suddenly , my vision started to get blurry and then, everything went black...

When I opened my eyes I felt something heavy was on my hands..Wait..I was chained?WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!Ok calm down first let's look at the surroundings.
As I looked more, I realized that I wasn't in my house! Of course, shit  I got kidnapped.But I wonder why is it me and who the hell kidnapped me?Then I saw some villains approaching me.

"Well well, looks you finally woke up bakugou katsuki" said a man with blue hair and he had a weird hand on his face.

"I believe I didn't have any associations with the villains, so how the fuck do you know my name ?

"none of these matter.(at this part tomura was trying to persuade bakugou to join him)
So,bakugou we want to ask you a question.Will you join our league,the league of villains?If you refuse, I am afraid I'll have to call our boss to hurt you"
"Huh? Am I hearing things or is it just me The league of villains you said?First of all , what a dumb name be more creative will ya? and second I will. NEVER .JOIN. YOU! You don't scare me.I'LL ALWAYS BE A HERO NO MATTER WHAT!"I said smirking.(also bakugou was unchained)

"So, you don't want to join us dear nephew?"

"W-hat the HELL! what are you doing here uncle!Oh let me guess you are a fucking villain.

" Exactly, oh arent you a smart one!I see you changed a lot katsuki.Since,you got that powerful quirk you changed.
When you were quirkless you were nothing right?
You could have Became a villain instead And make the world pay, for treating  quirklesss people like trash.BUT YOU WANTED TO BE A FILTHY HERO INSTEAD!
And, your dear mother supported you,even though she knew that it'll be impossible for you!
And she's right there!Now give me  your quirk or
Things are about to get bloody~ I'll kill her without hesitation.
He said...i was so mad.

"SHUT UP!HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!MUM IS THE BEST MUM IN THE WORLD!You are right I was a weakling before, but that doesn't mean that I should take the wrong path! BUT INSTEAD TO PROVE THEM WRONG!THAT EVEN A LOSER CAN BECOME A Hero!If I became a villain, I would have lost since I would have given up on my goal.AND YOU DARE TRY TO THREATEN ME BY KILLING MOTHER JUST TO TAKE MY QUIRK?I WAS QUIRKLESS FOR MY WHOLE LIFE ISN'T THAT ENOUGH BASTARD!By the way "Uncle"oh you know what I shouldn't call you that,you don't deserve that tittle.
I'm  extremely disappointed with you..So.... Just
DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!As bakugou said that he made a huge explosion on the room,and he carried his mum on his shoulders...

"That was really powerful but not for me, the number one villain.i see dear nephew...So,you choose to fight back Huh?"

"of course,bastard I won't give up I keep my promises I'll become a hero no matter the cost!

"I told you.I am the number one villain nobody can defeat me !
(So guys just to inform you, all might was retired from the start and basically bakugou's uncle is nine.It's a new villain, like all for one ,from the movie heroes rising)

"i don't care!Die.
As he said that,bakugou made another huge explosion.

"Oh!That was close but give up you can't defeat me katsuki!Now give me your quirk!"As he said that he grabbed me by Force and he was... wait  my quirk WAS BEING ABSORTED I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING BUT WHAT!If only I could escape...

Then there was a knock at the door Huh?Then suddenly the door broke..and...

wait what just happed?who is that!and why did he punched my uncle?i thought it was a villain? Wait..What!THAT'S DEKU. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE!?

"Yo, kacchan!I see you are at trouble sorry for being late!"

"DEKU??What are you doing here and how did you know I was here??

"Well kacchan, after I said  goodbye to you ,I saw a man sneaking at your house and I was curious.Then I saw you being dragged by that dude and I followed you."

"Oh jeez, thank you I guess "

"Well well well.. Impressive!I see your friend came to save you.Doesn't matter i am going to kill you anyways!

As my uncle said that, he collapsed to the ground? ?He wasn't breathing?How though.
He was Dead..

I will appreciate it if you share this story.Once  again thank you for reading.

To be continued next time..

The Life Of Bakugou Katsuki(#1hero)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن