Chapter 6:The fight

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Suddenly, I felt dizzy and everything starting spinning ,untill everything went black ...

I tried to move but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.Then I heard a voice calling me
"Save me please save me bakugou katsuki..."
I saw a little girl she had white hair and red eyes.

Then I heard my name "Bakugou wake up,BAKUGOU!"
I opened my eyes and I noticed my surrounding, I was in the classroom And all of my classmates were staring at me.

Aizawa: Bakugou did you not sleep at night? We noticed that you were sweating and screaming. I suppose you had a nightmare?

Bakugou: "Yes I actually haven't slept at night and yes I had a nightmare correct."

Aizawa:ok bakugou but next time don't sleep in my class.

After class:

I hang out with my friends and when I was heading home I saw a girl crying.I immediately ran towards her.I confronted her and she looked exactly like the girl in my dreams!

Then I saw a creepy looking guy asking the girl to come with him, the girl had a terrified and scared look on her face and she begged me to not leave me.But I didn't leave her.I recognised who this guy was his name was overall a villain.

Bakugou:The girl won't come with you bastard!Shes shaking and she'd scared because of you.On top of that,I recognise you are overhaul right?There's no way in hell I am letting you take her with you!

Overhall:Oh so you know me.I see you have no chance against me you stupid hero.Nobody can defeat me.Also,eri is very useful to me so no.But I am glad I'll kill some brat today.

Bakugou:We'll see about that you dumb villain.I already know your quirk.But sadly, you don't know mine.But you'll get to know it TODAY!Let's start now!

Overhall:I can't wait to kill you

Time skip:

Overhall:You are pretty strong little hero but not as strong as me!Besides you don't have any chance you are already hurt so much!

Bakugou:Oh you think I don't huh?We'll see about that dumbass

As he said that he closed his eyes and he asked for help "Ace help"said bakugou in his mind.

"Hello bakugou.I see you are in trouble.Dont worry.To help you I'll Now make your fire quirk permanent.Bye bakugou keep doing what you are doing"

Overhall: I guess you are too weak kid.Now it's time for you to die.

Eri:"M-m-mr Bakugou wake up PLS" said eri sobbing.

As bakugou heard eris voice, blue flames started surrounding his body
And he started standing up.


bakugou:That's for me to know,it shouldn't concern you so, mind your own business .What did you mention before?It's time for me to die?More like you.. DIEEEE FIRE BLASTTTT

Everything was covered with blue flames , and overhall was laying on the ground unconscious.

Then bakugou headed towards eri and hugged her.After that, bakugou called for help and explained the situation to the heroes.They kept praising him, but however, he got yelled for not calling for other heroe's help ,dealing with it by himself. He didn't get in trouble since he had permission to attack a villain.

After a long night, bakugou went to sleep and he was feeling proud of himself.

Hey y'all !Thanks for 800 views and votes as well I appreciate it so much!So I've kinda run out of ideas with this story.But I'll continue it and make a proper ending. However,I'll might make it fast since I don't know how to continue this story

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