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From the heavens, you see a boy, blissfully asleep in a field of flowers. Little cars pass by him as the sun rises from his west. The wind slowly gets stronger and stronger, blowing away all the petals around him.

You saw the boy's eyes, deep and blue.
You wake up.

You can't move anything, not even your lips. It feels like you're tied to thr ground below you, as if gravity is a billion times stronger than before.
Able to move your eyes, you looks around and it seems like you're on top of a mountain, just a few feet away from the cliff. The ground shakes and the part of the cliff where you're shackled to breaks off the mountain and you starts falling. You close your eyes before you hit the void below.

Still stunned by the sensation of falling, you start rolling down a hill, tumbling over and over again and still trapped inside a heavy shell. Having gotten a feel for your arms again, you lift yourself up to lean on a boulder.
Still breathless, you liik up to the sky and birds are flying. At first it was migrating ducks, but then slowly crows start to appear. The crows start to hit the ground, one by one by one, gradually catching up with you. Terrified, you start to crawl away, pulling yourself uo the boulder with the vines. But then, before a crow hits you, your vision turns dark.

You never felt the crow hit you, but when you open your eyes, you were dangling from space, holding on to a tether tied to a satelite. You try to pull yourself towards the satelite, but it slowly decends to earth and starts burning up.

You closed your eyes, but the sensation of falling won't go away. The bright light from your burning body pierces through your eye lids. The deafening sounds of bursting through the atmosphere ringed your ear drums.

You start to spin around violently, getting faster and faster by the second. Until finally, You wake up back in the flowery fields you saw the boy from the heavens.

Able to move, you wipe the pool of tears in your eyes.

Unaware of what happened, still torn if it was a dream or a part of reality, he lies back down and falls asleep.


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