Day ???? (Cornered)

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So... Welcome to my story, About Y/N, Y/N was a calming and quiet kid, Until he got some problems.

From the beginning, At his young age (Possible 8-12), His life became more dangerous every time he steps outside...

???: Hah! Look at this tin can! He's so fucking weak!

Y/N: L-Let me go-!

Y/N bit the bully's hand, Then got released, He tried to run away, But there's a dead end in the hall way.

???: Fucking bastard... YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, TIN CAN!

??? 2: But look, The little bunny got stuck in the hole...

The four laughed, As Y/N glared at them.
But then after they stopped laughing, They would slowly approached Y/N.

Y/N: N-No! Stay back!

He would throw anything, bits of solid rocks, small planks or garbage to throw at them, Deals almost nothing but small bruises.

???: Heh, Stay back lads, I got this little shit...

He turned his head to his side, Telling his boys to hold, The three nodded, And the leader approached Y/N.

Y/N does nothing but to try to yield, But the leader of the bullies still walks up to him, So he instead cowers himself, As the leader was going to throw a punch.

Leader: HAH! Coward! You call that a "Counter"!?

The leader would grab Y/N's shirt, Lifting him up.


But then, He started hitting him, In the stomach, chest and the head.
Groans every time he took a beating.

After he's done, He threw Y/N at the wall, Making his back almost broken and even hurt more.

Leader: You're nothing but a baby hare, Little shit!

Y/N: P-Please, Stop...

Y/N looked at him, With bits of blood on his face.

Leader: No one will save you! NO FUCKING ONE!

He would ready his right fist, But just before he land a punch, An female voice can be heard.

(Female): Stop this at once!

Y/N and the leader quickly looked at the lady, The winds are blowing... Then a figure at the hall way.

Leader: Who the fuck are you!?

The leader yelled through the hallway

(Female): You will soon find out...

She steps closer while saying it.

Leader: Wha- LADS, Get her ass!

The two would try to charge at her, But she's too experienced for the combat, Dodging the charge, Then she starts fighting.

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