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I saw Him...

Not knowing who or what he is...

I was a Cat Hybrid, I see nothing of Him that looks creature-ish.

He looked almost Human.

I grabbed my books for my next class and walk near him.

I sniffed the air as I walked pass, as if I could sense his breed...

but I got nothing...

All I got was a faint Banana scent, probably from his shampoo so I ignored him and went to my class....


After Class I met up with my friends, knowing what All they were, even if they never changed into their form.

My cat senses was always strong.

I'm surprised I never got one from the male I saw this morning.

As I was talking to one of my friends I saw him in the corner of my eye, his platinum blonde shinning in the light.

I somewhat felt his presence even though we were over 10 metres away from eachother, I felt as if a string was pulled on my finger.

I stopped mid-sentence with my converstation with my friend and I looked over to where I felt the male's where abouts.

I was confused at first cause I didn't see him anywhere.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to my left, I looked at the squirrel hybrid sitting next to me, looking at me.

"Hey, are you alright?"

he stopped for a moment,

"you kind of stopped mid speaking"

he spoke delicately, I looked into his eyes seeing worry and I can hear his sincerely in his voice showing more that he's worried.

"I'm Fine, I just got distracted"

I say, looking down at my lap, the older hummed and went back to his conversation with the boys across from us.

I was looking at my hands, my hands shaking uncontrollably, I don't know why they are shaking though.

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