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yelled a male that is familiar yet not.

the boy in front of me pulled back to turn to the other, he stepped back and I dropped to the floor to embarassed by being in front of the two.

I pulled my hood up and swapped to my cat form slipping away from the ghoul and running behind the older male that stopped him.

the older male picked me up.

"it's okay Felix"

he said and I nodded while snuggling into Minho's chest.

"bug off Minho this wasn't even you-"

the other finally turned around and saw me gone.

"where did he go?"

"you tried to kiss someone with out even knowing what they were, oh my god this is hilarious"

Minho started laughing and I spoke in my language to tell him to put me down, which he nodded to.

I went behind Minho and swapped back to my human form.

"you need to learn your boundaries Gyumin"

I said while I walked from behind Minho since he was a little taller than me.

Gyumin was shook.

"you sneaky cat"

the oldest said and I just giggled.

"let's go hyung"

It felt weird calling someone I rarely knew 'Hyung' but I felt like I could trust the bunny hybrid.

Minho nodded and we walked off, I walked in front of Minho just incase Gyumin tried to grab me again.

I just remembered I left my books on the floor but I didn't care right at this moment.

As both Minho and I got near the cafeteria I was pulled by the other.

"no I'm not going in there"

the older said, pulling me, I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"can I at least get my friend?"

"fine, I'll wait here"

I walked into the cafeteria, I got a few stares but none that made me uncomfortable.

I finally found the squirrel and the couple located in a corner, once again Hyunin was in their own world whild Jisung sat their lonely and quietly which is unusual for the older.

I grabbed the squirrels arm and dragged him out the cafeteria.

"hey li- wait hey!"

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