Chapter 11- Grass Battle

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The roar of the crowd only seemed to become louder with each step Gloria took towards the Gym Field. Her legs felt like jelly, and she wobbled slowly down the hallway.

The drone of the audience didn't help at all, and Gloria could feel her nerves getting the best of her.

I gotten this far, so there's no going back now! She took a breath to steady herself. I earned this battle with Milo, so I can't be nervous. She reminded herself of the Gym Mission, in which she had to herd Wooloos through a large room with Yampers chasing after her.

And so she pressed on, ignoring the uneasiness in herself, and moving to the center of the field.

". . . And here is our challenger, Gloria Shield from Postwick Town!"

The murmur of the crowd became loud cheering as she stepped onto the field. The bright lights up above shine right into her face, making her have to squint until her eyes refocused.

Ever so slowly, she walked to the center of the field, looking around herself at the audience. There were several empty patches without any people, but that's what she gets for being one of the last ones to battle Milo.

"And now, we have our very own Gym Leader from right here in Turffield Town! Everyone, please welcome the Grass Expert, Milo Midori!"

The cheering intensified until it was almost deafening, as Milo walked down the field. He stopped right in front of Gloria and looked down at her with a kind smile.

"You a'right there, Lass?"

"Just nervous is all," she confessed, sparing a glance around them.

Milo placed a hand onto her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be fine. Just ignore the crowd and do your best."

Gloria nodded. "Thank you."

Milo returned her gesture and turned around to walk to his side of the field. Gloria did the same on her side and stopped at a painted square on the field, where she would be standing.

The announcer asked them if they were ready and if their microphones were on, which they both answered with a certain "yes."

"Then let the match. . . Begin!"

Instantly a music played through the stadium, sounding over the crowd. It gave Gloria confidence and energy just listening to it, and it took all that she had not to tap her foot along to the beat.

"Gossifleur, go!" Milo shouted out, the mic on his shirt catching his voice. He threw out a Poké Ball, revealing a light teal Pokémon, only a couple of feet tall. It had five scarlet petals stretching down from its head to the ground and outwards, imitating hair. A large golden flower sat perfectly in the center of its head, just barely covering a pair of bronze eyes.

Gloria took a deep breath and took out her own Poké Ball. I know that Val and Tuff are stronger, but I also want to give Penny a chance too. And besides, she's been getting a lot better at fighting with Val's training.

"Penny, I choose you!" She tossed the Ball, and out came a striped Zigzagoon. The monochromed Pokémon looked around curiously, her bright pink eyes blinking in wonder. Finally her gaze focused on her opponent and she lowered herself down to the ground, ready to attack. She barked a few times.

"Penny, start off with Quick Attack!" Gloria called out. A small bit of pride welled up inside as she watched her Galarian Pokémon cloak herself in light and charge towards the foe, zigzagging this way and that.

"Dodge and use Magical Leaf!" Milo shouted, throwing his arm in front of himself. Gossifleur leapt up into the air, evading Penny's attack. The raccoon was already a bit exhausted from having run all the way across the field, but still she stood, strong and waiting for Gloria's next command.

Feeling of Glory -Sword and Shield (SLOW UPDATES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora