Chapter 19- Winning Failures

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Yep, we're at that part of the story..

A day went by and Gloria was still in Stow-On-Side. It was a quiet place, free of worries or busy interactions. Many Ground- and Steel-Type Pokémon lived in the town, helping Trainers and offering assistance in market sales.

Gloria paused in her walking around the quaint town when the ground in front of her shook. She blinked, watching as a Sandaconda poked her head out and turned around, meeting Gloria's gaze.

"Ssssssanda?" The snake asked, tilting her head.

The girl smiled at the reptile. "Sandy?"

"Ah, Gloria!" She lifted her head as she saw Victor running over to her. His injury from the Yamask had healed almost completely, even though it was only two nights ago he was hurt.

Victor gave her a smile. "I was walking around here and then Sandy ran off. . . I guess you found her?"

The younger Trainer laughed nervously. "Well, it's more like she found me. . ."

Victor nodded slowly, his expression changed to a more serious one. "Oh, Gloria?"

Gloria tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"I. . . think I saw Hop earlier today. He—"

Gloria stiffened. "Where?!" She demanded. "Where is he?"

The boy pointed towards the town entrance. "Over near the marketplace. I could be wrong though-" He stopped talking; Gloria had already ran off to search for her best friend. Victor sighed, shaking his head with a tiny smile. "She's so impulsive. . ." With that, he walked westward and to a staircase, leading up to a graffitied stone mural. He gazed up at it for several seconds before finally heading into the Stow-On-Side Gym to face the Gym Leader.

⚔️ 🛡

Gloria saw him. He was half-hidden in the shadows of a seller's tent, but his purple hair was unmistakable.


He flinched at his name and turned around, unable to run away as Gloria tackled him into a hug from behind. "Glo. . .ria?"

She stepped back and looked up at him, positive that he wouldn't try to run off. "Why did you turn your phone off?" She sighed before he could answer and looked down. "I heard what happened the other day. . . I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help."

"Don't be." Hop's voice sounded far away and empty. "I was the one that lost; you have no need to feel sorry." He turned away. "I feel like I've actually learned something, thanks to all this. . ." He went quiet. "You and Lee and Mar and everyone else keeps telling me that I'm a good Trainer and that I have a lot of potential. I truly believed that. . ."

"Hop. . ." Gloria began, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder. She didn't like the tone of his voice.

Hop ignored her. "What if it was my Pokémon that were making me weak? I mean, there's no use training a weak Pokémon, is—"

"Stop saying that!" Gloria ignored the fact that people nearby were staring at them. "That's not true, and you know it. There is no such thing as a weak Trainer or Pokémon, because together they make each other strong."

Hop held her gaze, a void in his eyes. "Prove it then."

Gloria stepped back. "What?"

"Let's have a battle, three on three to determine all of this." He took out an Ultra Ball. "And you can't back down."

The brunette's heart fell. Why was he being like this? Did his battle with Bede really hurt him that much? Silently, she took out Thunder's Poké Ball and released the baby Poison-Type.

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