Chapter 13- Water Battle

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Three days later, Gloria stepped outside of the Pokémon Center, a determined expression on her face. Today was her battle with Nessa, and she was determined to win; she had trained with Hop and Marnie almost nonstop, and now she was sure that she was more prepared for this battle than she was with Milo's.

Bede had watched several of her training battles with her two friends, not once stepping in or speaking. He still had yet to tell any of them how to pronounce his name, and still referred to Gloria as "you", whereas he would call Hop and Marnie by their real names when he spoke to them (which wasn't very often, but still). He really hates me, doesn't he? Gloria could help thinking.

Hop and Marnie had already completed their Gym Battle, but they had both agreed to stay in Hulbury and watch over her Egg until Gloria's battle was over and she had won her Water Badge.

"Good luck!" they had told her before she left for the battle. "You'll do great!"

Gloria sighed, glancing down at one of her Poké Balls. She had completely become used to the sea smell, and it didn't even bother her at all anymore. We can do this. Tuff, Val, Penny. . . I'm counting on all of you.

Her walk was stopped short as she bumped into somebody from behind. "Oh, sorry!" She looked up, noticing that a crowd of people were blocking her path. What's all of this for. . ?

She tried to navigate through the crowd, a bit curious what this was all about, but was just so small that everyone pushed her around like she was nothing more than an old Mimikyu. She stumbled and almost fell when she felt a hand catch her, saving her from her fall. She blinked, her light brown eyes meeting Victor's dark ones. They looked at each other for a few seconds before he let go of her, letting her stand on her own.

"Everyone, please! Calm down and go back home!" The crowded parted as a man made his way over to Gloria and Victor. He looked oddly familiar, but he had on a baseball cap, sunglasses, a white hoodie and blue Alolan-pattern shorts. "You two aren't hurt, are you?"

Victor shook his head. "We're both fine, Mr. Rose. Right, Glo?" Wait, so that's Chairman— Victor grinned at Gloria, and her head blanked. She swore she could feel her cheeks begin to burn.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." What's going on? Why do I—?

The Chairman nodded and pulled Victor aside, the two speaking quietly to one another. Suddenly a woman walked towards them, her long, caramel hair flowing in neat waves behind her.

"Chairman, it's time we must go." Her voice sounded monotone and a bit unsettling. Chairman Rose didn't seem to hear her, so she tried again. "Chairman, we must leave or we'll be late." He still didn't acknowledge her, causing her to scowl more than she already was (how was that even possible?). "Elijah."

That one word caused the man to swivel around quickly. His eyes met the blonde's, and an embarrassed smile made its way onto his face. "Apologies, Oleana. What was that?"

"It's time for your reservation at the restaurant." Oleana seemed to calm down, only a little bit, but not even a hint of a smile appeared on her face.

"Right. Thanks." Chairman Rose sighed and whispered something else to Victor before leaving, Oleana and the crowd right behind him.

"What was that all about?" Gloria questioned her friend, tilting her head to the side.

"Don't worry about it," Victor replied calmly, a gentle smile appearing on his face. He glanced at the Water Gym, then back at Gloria. "I'm guessing today's your Gym Battle?"

"How'd you know. . ?"

"Lucky guess." He winked at her and took her right hand into his, glancing down at it for a second. "You should probably get going there then, right? You wouldn't want to be late to her Gym."

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