Chapter 15- Penny

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Surprise update, cause I can't wait until Friday-

Hey you guys!! I am super sorry for the lack of updates and everything. I haven't touched this book in over a month, mostly because of lack of motivation and personal struggles.

I'm feeling a lot better now, and am hoping to get back into writing this story again.

As a thank you to everyone who's stayed with me through all this, I'm making this an extra long chapter. I hope you all enjoy!

- Zel

"Oh, hey! Gloria!"

The brunette's eyes lit up and a smile made its way onto her face. She quickened her pace, finally seeing her best friend.

Hop ran to her and hugged her tightly, only to wince as Gloria heard a snapping sound. She turned her head, finding Thunder sitting in the hood of her cardigan, tiny sparks coming from his cheeks.

Gloria smiled and took a step back from Hop. "Oh, yeah! My Egg finally hatched, and this little dude came from it!" Thunder stuck his tongue out and narrowed his eyes at Hop.

"It's. . . Cute." He rubbed his wrist, where Thunder had shocked him earlier. Suddenly his gaze brightened. "Wait, it's a Toxel, right? Why is it pink instead of purple. . ?"

Gloria shrugged. "Dunno. He's still adorable though, no matter what color he is." She began walking. "It's probably getting late; we should get going back to Motostoke for Kabu's Gym Battle."

"Right!" Hop hurried and caught up to her, the two continuing through the Mines.

"Oh, I nearly got eaten today. . ." Gloria began sheepishly after a few moments of silence.

"Wait, what?!" Hop looked at her in alarm.

"It's nothing really!" Gloria held up her hands. "And I'm fine now, aren't I?" She looked down, a gentle smile on her face. "Although, I wouldn't be if it weren't for him. . . I've been thinking about just. . . What if he wasn't there at that moment to stop me?"

Hop blinked in confusion, his mouth parting slightly in a reply. However, before he could make a sound, they heard stomps behind them on the cavern floor. Both turned around, already readying their Poké Balls.

"So, yer both friends of Princess Marnie, eh?" A woman asked them, wearing hot pink and black, with spikes on nearly every article of clothing she was wearing. Gloria gasped silently as she recognized her as someone from Team Yell.

"Do ya really think that just 'cause yer friends with her, we'll let ya continue yer Gym Challenge?" Another person stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. Tony. . . Gloria recognized him as the one who had challenged her in Motostoke's Budew Drop Inn. "It don't matter who ya are, or what yer relationship is with Marnie— we won't let her lose!"

Without warning, he threw out a Dusk Ball, his Linoone appearing from it in a wave of evil energy. He looked around, his long tongue hanging out of his mouth, before locking gazes with Gloria and smiling sinisterly. The woman beside Tony threw out a Vullaby. The small vulture squawked and waved her wings around in an attempt to lift herself off the ground.

"Looks like this is a battle we'll have to fight," Hop said quietly to Gloria. She nodded and sent out Penny, while Hop threw his Wooloo out in front of him. "You go for Linoone; I've got Vullaby."

"On it." Gloria smiled at her Zigzagoon. "Penny, use Pin Missile on Linoone!"

Hop commanded his Wooloo to use Rollout, while Tony and the woman ordered their 'Mons to use Quick Attack and Peck.

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