The Walk Was Not So Quiet

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     Tuskishima walked in silence around the ominous forest with the much shorter man. Shadows seemed to follow Tsukishima as he walked, he could have sworn that he even heard Yamaguchi call out his name from the distance. However, the tall blond tried his best to brush it off, it was just the silence tricking his brain. He scratched his arm uncomfortably. Tsukishima usually enjoyed the quiet, but the images of his friend, the blood, and his life being drained so quickly from him shook Tsukishima's soul. 

     "How long are we going to wonder aimlessly around." Tsukishima stated blatantly, in attempt to get his mind away from the awful events from before. The shorter man wipped his body around, turning his head for his hollow eyes to meet Tsukishima's.

     "I already told you, that we are looking for the others. I'm doing what I was told to do." Levi answered. If Tsukishima wasn't absolutely mortified into taking this new place he was in seriously, he would have made a short joke. 

     "Oh yeah, you did tell me that already." Tsukishima rolled his eyes. It fell silent again, and Levi moved his glare away from the volleyball player. leaving them both to their own thoughts once again. 

     Tsukishima heard more of the winds whispers. The gentle breeze that seemed to carry his kind friends last words, and weaved through the wooden beams just to reach Tsukishima's pale ears.

     "Our friends." the wind sang into the blond's head. He walked on, shaking the chill off of him. The sturdy dirt below him gripped his feet in every step, and refused to let go more with the movement of each long leg. He grew tired, but refused to stop, Tsukishima kept moving forward.

   It felt like hours before Levi had finally decided to leave the dim towering trees.
     "We'll probably meet up with them on the way." Levi spoke in a stern tone. He didn't speak again. He just rush with quick steps toward some sort of city.
     Tsukishima stopped for a second. He turned his glasses toward the blue body that curved from horizon to horizon. Silky dispersed splotches of white stood in a proud manner infront of the calming baby blue. Lost in though, Tsukishima closed his eyes. In the calm comfort of his own mind, he saw his friend, Tadashi Yamaguchi, stand before him. Yamaguchi curved his lips into a golden spring smile, cherry blossoms sat elegantly upon his porcelain skin.
     "I'm here Tsukki." His voice rung humbly with each letter.
     "I can't believe I miss your annoying voice already." Tsukishima responded, a drop from his eye threatening to spill over.
     "Is it because I've hardly talked this whole time?" Levi's serious voice pulled the younger boy from his pleasant thoughts. With eyes dark enough to melt the sun, Tsukishima glared at Levi. Tsukishima new he was about to fall apart in front of this stranger. He knew that nothing was holding him back anymore from yelling at this random stuck up, short man who couldn't even save Tsukishima's only friend.
     "Listen. You have been silent this whole time! I've just lost my friends, I saw his life leave him with my own eyes. I don't know if this is some kind of sick joke to you, but it is not to me!" He paused, walking closer to Levi. "I have never lived through such awful things before, this place, wherever it is. It sucks! I want to go back to my stupid pointless life! Where I can go to school and mindlessly not worry about my safely everytime I move." It had been a long time since Tsukishima had last yelled. He didn't know if he felt better or worse after his outburst. The anger seemed to hang itself in the air. Until Levi spoke.
     "Being emotional about the ones you have lost only slows you down."

Thank you everyone for being patient with me taking my sweet time on this story! I apreciate your support and kindess.

Is there anything I can do to make my story better for you? Please let me know❤


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