Long Night, Sleep Tight

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Tsukishima had never been one for camping, sleeping outside in the cold, sharing a tent with a bunch of people, just didnt appeal to him.

This was a bit different.

The boys didn't sleep in a tent after their day of treachery, and misery, they slept in what seemed like a shed.

The walls were creaky and unstable, the anxious air slipt through any hole between the board it could. They didn't have sleeping bags, only a few blankets keeping them warm. Suga and Hinata huddled together for warmth.

None of the boys could sleep, and for good reason. Every one of them knew that if they could ever return home, life would never be the same. Though they had only need here two days, it felt so much longer. Tsukishima guessed that the seconds dragged on when you feel scared.

From a few feet away, Tobio could hear Sugawara humming a soft tune.

He and Tsukishima were the ones who witnessed deaths of friends, he didn't know how the older boy could remain so tranquil.

Kageyama's eyes drifted to the boy with silver hair, Suga's arm was around Hinata, whos eyes were wide open, and bloodshot. The ginger didn't handle the news about Ennoshita, Daichi, and Yamaguchi very well. The black haired boy guessed Hinata couldn't cry anymore.

Tsukishima held his eyes closed, but it was obvious he wasn't asleep. There was a crinkle between his brows that was always there when he analyzed his volleyball plays. He was thinking. What did this all mean?

Yama's voice had returned. He was calling Tsukishima to sleep, asking him to get some rest because his battle had only begun. However, whenever Yamaguchi spoke in his head it was so faint. So weak.

Suddenly there was a yell. Tsukishima shot up, eyes wide, forehead drenched in sweat. No one else in the room seemed to hear it, despite them all being awake. Kageyama shot him a  confused look.

Tsukishima heard another voice, this one much louder than Yamaguchi's had been.

"How's the new life?" It spoke menacingly in his head, then echoed. "Is it interesting enough for you?"

"Who are you?!" Tsukishima yelled out loud, staggering around the room. It was silent for a minute as Kageyama stood up to aid Tsukishima. The shed's draft was all that was heard for a few seconds.

"Looks like there's more fun to be had. How about you take a nice nap, and we can play more tomorrow." The voice finally responded, completely ignoring the tall boy's questions.

Kageyama had pushed Tsukishima back, and began yelling at him.

"Go to sleep you crazy bastard! You're scaring us!!" The looks Kageyama usually gave him had no affect but this look, it was scary. All of them looked as if they were about to snap; bags under their eyes, despite not having spent a night there yet. A blank stare in Tanaka and Hinata's eyes, Sugawara's showed broken soul beneath a smile, but Kageyama... he looked more pissed than ever.

Tsukishima kept quiet about the voice. And eventually, in the early hours of tomorrow they drifted into a restless sleep.

Pictures and places Tsukishima didnt recognize flowed like a sped up slide show behind his eye lids. Open green plains, dark, dreary alleyways, faces of people he had never seen, blood, Yamaguchi's smile, dark water, flashing lights. It never ended. It felt like the voice that spoke to him, was picking his next fate. Picking the next tragedy. Picking the next death.

Another short chapter that took me way too long ;)
I love having no motivation and no ideas. But I think I figured it out now? Maybe? We'll see haha

I threw a little plot twist atcha

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