Me, Myself and My So Called Boyfriend (Chapter 3)

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She woke up and went to her interview. She felt pretty confident up until she started to overthink. She suddenly started to feel a little nervous. Just because she hasn't been to a job interview in a few years. She's had jobs. She just hasn't needed to interview for them.

The interviewer was kind of demeaning. He said her artist work was simple. She didn't feel insulted or offended but she made an observation that he didn't respect or appreciate her art. That was a red flag. She instantly felt unease which she continued to feel until she left the interview. Aside from the employer, the job itself was perfect. But the pay was poor. It was a below minimum wage intern pay. Which she didn't want to do. She knew she could find a similar job and earn the same pay. At the end of the interview he asked her why he should hire her. Which again, just felt demeaning. Only because of the way he said it. She gave him a few reasons. They were all good reasons. She should be hired. But she wouldn't take the job if she was.

She went home. Her boyfriend had said they'd hang out today. They only started dating like a week or two ago. But she'll ask him to hang out and he'll agree. But last minute he'll give her a reason as to why he can't hangout anymore. It's happened three times this week. She felt like she wanted to break up with him. Call off this cute boyfriend girlfriend thing they decided to spontaneously do after barely knowing each other. But she waited for him to hit her up to hang out. He said they were going to.

She finished her 6 pack of cider with her roommate. They talked about their feelings, trauma from childhood. They swiped on dating apps. She got kinda drunk and high. She never smokes but she felt like "fuck it". She took a hit from her roommates pen. She worked on a beat for her brother in law.

Her boyfriend started playing a phone game with her.... he sent her a phone game to play, yet he wasn't showing up to chill.... she was patient. She waited. It was getting late and he wasn't saying anything. She figured fuck it, he's bailing again. She knocked out. But she was over it. 

Me, Myself, and Fucking Feelings (Chapter 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora