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He stared at the strange man. He swear that he knew him...from somewhere. The blond hair...the eyes..
The Winter Solider stared at the man for a minute.
Who was Bucky? Was that his name? No..he would clearly know if that was his name, the man must be confused.
"Who the hell is Bucky?!" He responded quite harshly, before engaging once again.
The man brought up a shield, his metal fist colliding with the vibranium. The man fought bravely, unlike anyone else he's attempted to assassinate.
He threw multiple punches toward the strange, blond-haired man. He clearly wouldn't give up. Who was he?
The Winter Solider stopped and stood still, squinting slightly toward the man.
He had his gun gripped tightly against his. chest.
He knew him..
Why couldn't he remember?
"Who are you?" He demanded, lifting his gun up and preparing to aim.
The man placed the shield on the ground gently, lifting his hands up in a sort of surrendering gesture.
"My name is Steve Rogers. I'm your friend.."
His voice sounded familiar. The name did too..
The Winter Solider squinted a bit harder. He knew this man..he had to remember. God, please remember..
All at once, a sudden flash of overwhelming memories flooded through his head. He saw himself falling from the train. He heard his friend's terrified scream as he fell hundreds, if not thousands of feet toward the ground below. Then, he remembered the alley confrontation..Helping Steve with the man repeatedly beating him up.
My name is James Buchanan Barnes.

He lowered the gun slowly, staring into his friend's eyes.
I'm with you to the end of the line, pal.
Bucky could feel tears stinging his eyes as he shook his head.
"Steve..?" He asked, hesitant to know the incoming response.
He saw pure relief and happiness flash across Steve's face. He slowly walked toward him as Bucky dropped the gun to the ground.
"Bucky.." Steve gave him a soft smile before embracing him in a tight hug, which he gratefully, though a bit solemnly, returned.
He saw Steve shake his head and sigh. "What happened to you.."
Bucky stared at the ground, clearly ashamed of what he's been doing for the past years. "I'm sorry.."
They pulled back, Steve placing a hand on his real shoulder.
"It's not your fault Buck, you didn't have a choice."
He wished he could believe that..
"But I did it.." He responded sadly, staring at the ground.
"You weren't in control.." Steve replied. "HYDRA had control of your mind. None of what you did was you, and I doubt there was anything you could have done. But your here now."
Bucky gave a small smile and looked back up at Steve.
Steve rolled his eyes.

Bucky and Steve OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora