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Bucky sat, still, in the chair at the HYDRA base. They were currently either repairing or just doing something to his metal arm, all the while some memories flickered back to him. One included the man on the bridge.
Sergeant Barnes..
He was being dragged from what he thought was his death spot, blood trailing from the arm he had lost from the fall.
The memory shifted. He was falling, and the familiar man reached out to him.
It shifted again.
"You are to be the new fist of Hydra," he gripped someone's neck with his metal hand.
Another shift.
"Put him on ice."
He punched one of the Hydra agents back, and saw the rest point their guns toward him. He was so confused..
The man on the bridge..he knew him..
But why couldn't he remember..
Suddenly, Pierce and some of his other agents and security walked in. The man stood in front of him.
"Mission report."
He remained silent. Bucky just stared forward, seeming to not hear the man.
"Mission report, now."
Still no response. He soon felt a quick burning sensation on his cheek from the slap Pierce had given him.
Finally, he looked up. His expression was full of confusion and some frustration at not being able to remember anything.
"The man on the bridge..."
His memory flickered back to the man speaking, except it was inaudible.
"Who was he?" He glanced up at Pierce. He wanted answers.
"You met him earlier this week on a ...previous...assignment."
That wasn't good enough..he needed to know the man's name..
"I knew him.." His gaze drifted to the ground.
Pierce began to speak again. "Your work has been a gift to mankind."
The Winter Soldier barely listened to the man speak, only catching the last few words. "— Hydra can't give the world the freedom it deserves."
He swallowed heavily. "But I knew him."
Pierce stood up, before a man spoke out. "He's been out of cryo freeze too long.."
The Winter Soldier nearly froze in fear at the next words.
"Then wipe him, and start over."
He didn't want to be wiped again..He had only just gotten part of his memories back..this wasn't who he truly was..
God, please don't take them away again..
They tried to push him back, before a memory flashed into his head again. A voice..
"Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, best friends since childhood."
That was all he needed before he threw his metal fist out. It collided with the men around him as he jumped to his feet.
Pierce moves toward him. "Restrain him."
Bucky growled as more men moved toward him. They started shooting, but he used his metal hand to block them as he took them out. On his way, he quickly pushed Pierce to the ground.
He was delayed for a moment, as he quickly grabbed the shirt and armor he was wearing before and slipped it on. He made a run for it out into the open streets.
The man he saw..his name was Steve Rogers..He knew him. That name was so familiar..he just needed to find him.
Cars whizzed past him. At times he made a risky jump over them as he rushed down the street. He came across the Smithsonian museum. The Winter Soldier's curiosity got the better of him as he went inside. There was a metal detector, which obviously, he wasn't able to go through because of his, also obviously, metal arm.
After a talk with security, he was allowed in, and almost instantly he saw a large board with a familiar photograph.
He read the bottom, from a distance.
Bucky Barnes
That was the year he fell off the-
They thought he had died..Being honest, he wished he was..
He suddenly spotted a familiar figure standing in front of it, reading down through the writing. Based on the man's slightly hunched shoulders, he seemed upset.
Though, he did recognize him.
It was the man on the bridge he had seen. Steve Rogers, apparently his childhood friend, which he couldn't quite remember yet.
Ironically, as soon as he said that, another memory popped into his head. It was in the 1900s.
Steve was being punched and beaten up in the back alleyway. He stepped in and stood in front of the man responsible.
"Hey, pick on someone your own size!" The man swung a punch, but missed. Bucky did the same, hitting the man in the side of the face, then kicking him in the rear.
He turned back to Steve, who had a bloodied nose. "Sometimes I think you like being punched."
The younger Steve rubbed his nose. "I had him on the ropes."
He chuckled a bit at the memory, remembering how stubborn Steve was. He continued to stare at him. He was still looking at the large picture of him.
Obviously, he knew that Steve knew that he was still alive, but apparently him having not been able to catch him when he fell must have messed him up.
Hesitantly, he stepped forward and took a heavy breath. What would Steve think of him now? He had fought him earlier..
The man turned around to leave, but spotted Bucky standing there staring at him, the same outfit he had fought him in earlier.
The expression on Steve's face told Bucky that Steve apparently thought he was still under HYDRA's control. It was filled with surprise and sadness, along with some pain.
"So.." Steve breathed, staring at him. "Come to fight me again..?"
Bucky stayed silent for a few moments. He didn't want to fight..he just came here for answers. He was tired of fighting.
"No.." he let his expression soften. "I just want answers.."
Steve's expression turned to confusion and a bit of hope. "About what?"
He sighed. "About my past, Steve. About who I was-Or who I am..I don't know.."
He saw an expression of relief cross Steve's face, and he saw him relax. He cautiously took a couple steps toward him.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, Buck.."
For once, Bucky didn't seem to respond harshly that time to the name.
"I know.."
"Why did you come here, anyway? Of all places," Steve asked.
Bucky shrugged. "I don't know. I was trying to find you. Don't know why I happened to come here.."
He suddenly looked a lot more desperate. "They wanted to wipe me again..I knew you..I couldn't let them take you away from me again..Not when I was so close to remembering.."
He swallowed. "They're coming for me, Steve.."
The tone in his friend's voice shattered Steve's soul. He's never seen Bucky so vulnerable and broken. HYDRA really messed him up.
"Bucky, I'm not going to let them get you. I promise. Gonna have to go through me first. I'm more stubborn than you think."
Bucky gave a wobbly smile. "Thank you.."
Steve gripped his shoulder. "Come on, Buck. We can sneak out of here before HYDRA gets here."
Bucky nodded and quickly followed after Steve. Once they were outside, they turned into a dark alley. It was similar to the one Steve was beat up in.
They stayed in the shadows, watching as multiple black cars pulled up in front of the museum. Steve instantly recognized Pierce step out of one of them.
"Find him," He demanded. "Search the whole area."
Multiple agents nodded before splitting into groups to search. Some came uncomfortably close to where they were hiding.
Steve sighed. "Welp. I don't have my shield, so I guess it's fist fight if they find us."
He heard Bucky sigh a bit shakily next to him. "I'm sorry, Steve.."
Steve glanced at him. "For what?"
"Dragging you into this mess...attacking you..I tried to kill you.."
Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I would have wanted to get involved whether you dragged me into it or not. You didn't have a choice when you attacked me..HYDRA had you brainwashed."
Bucky shrugged. "You have a point, but—"
Steve suddenly shushed him. They huddled back further against the wall as a group of HYDRA agents peered into the alley. They pulled out their flashlights and entered.
Steve could almost feel the fear radiating off of his friend. They were touching each other, so he could feel him shaking.
"It's okay, Buck," he whispered.
Steve emerged from the shadows, surprising 2 of the 4 agents. He slammed his fist into one of their faces and knocked them to the ground, continuing to fight and wrestle with them. Bucky soon emerged as well, using his metal arm to his advantage.
One of the agents yelled to the one trying to flee, "Get Pierce! Tell em' we found him!"
They nodded and disappeared.
Bucky ran after the agent. Steve yelled after him, but he knew it was no use. He heard a sudden yell of surprise from his friend and quickly took the rest of the agents down before running out into the street.
Bucky was on the ground, metal arm straining against Pierce's grip.
He ran over and punched Pierce in the face, about to grab Bucky before he felt something come into contact with his back, electrocuting him enough to get him on his knees, where multiple other men held him down.
"Steve!" Bucky struggled against Pierce and the others holding him down, staring at his friend, who was trapped underneath a pile of HYDRA agents.
Steve grunted. He managed to throw one off, but that didn't do much, instead, Pierce yelled to knock him out.
He felt a sudden pain in his head. He yelled out in pain and then blackness swallowed him. The last thing he had heard was Bucky pleading with them not to hurt him.
When he woke up, he was in some sort of cell. He felt a hand on his back, shaking him and sounding a bit panicked.
"Steve. Steve, wake up! Come on.."
He slowly opened his eyes and groaned. The hand that was on his back helped sit him up. "Finally."
Steve's vision finally cleared. Bucky was sitting in front of him. There was a bit of blood under his nose but nothing major.
"Hey.." he muttered. "'wha happened?"
Bucky shrugged. "Didn't wipe me yet. Put up a fight, threw me in here with you. First good thing they did.."
Steve chuckled a little. "God I'm so sore.." he rubbed his shoulder.
Bucky laughed and then sobered quickly. "Gonna be stuck in here for a while. Can't break out of here even with my metal arm. These cells are strong."
Steve sighed. "Great. At least we're both not by ourselves.."
Just at that moment, Pierce and some other man that was unknown to both friends walked to stand in front of their cell.
"I hope you two are enjoying your stay," He have a smile. "Of course, we have something more..fun in mind, rather than just taking your pal, Bucky and wiping him."
Steve growled. "What could be more fun than that? How is that even fun?"
Pierce ignored the question. "Luckily, my pal here is quite fluent in Russian."
Bucky knew what he was getting at.
"No..please don't.."
Steve glanced at him, confused. "What's he talking about?"
Pierce answered. "Just a little something special. Made just for Barnes here."
The man took out the red book with the star on the front. Steve and Bucky's eyes both opened.
Bucky swallowed. "Please don't.."
Steve glared at Pierce. "Don't you dare. I won't let you do this to him."
Pierce shrugged. "What can you do? Stuck in this little cell while your friend here eventually kills you?"
Bucky glanced at Steve fearfully.
"Let's get started, shall we?" Pierce looked at the man next to him and nodded.
The man said the first word, and Steve saw Bucky close his eyes tightly. "No..no stop.." he muttered.
At the 2nd, his lips started quivering, he forced his eyes opened and looked at Steve. He buried his face into his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. "Please don't let them-please don't let them do this..I can't take it..I don't want to be the Winter Soldier again.."
The man stated the 4th and 5th word. Bucky's metal fist clenched. "Steve.." he muttered.
"Bucky, focus on me..don't focus on them," Steve wrapped his arms around his friend tightly. He wished he could break out of this damned cell and hurt them. Bad.
Bucky yelled out in pain, his bionic arm gripping Steve's shirt tightly. "Stop! Stop! Please, stop!" He yelled.
When they recited the 8th word, Bucky's struggles seemed to slow, and he suddenly let go of his friend's shirt, pulled his metal arm back, and slammed it into Steve's face. He fell backwards.
"Bucky, stop!"
The Winter Soldier pulled his fist back again. "Who. The hell. Is—" he froze, and stared at the bruised and bloodied face in front of him. Steve stared up at him, his gaze desperate and pleading.
Bucky's eyes widened. "I'm sorry-"
Steve gasped as the weight was lifted off of him and he sat up. "it's okay..it's not your fault.."
Bucky swallowed. "I knew I would hurt you-"
The man continued with the last two words, and Bucky fell to his knees, eyes squeezed shut.
Steve managed to pull the frozen and shaking Bucky into his arms. "Block them out..I know you can."
The Winter Soldier swallowed. He leaned his head back and pretty much collapsed against Steve.
Pierce growled. "Do it again."
"No!" Steve yelled. He gently set Bucky against the wall, stood up, and slammed his fist into the extremely strong rails of the cell. It dented them, and he managed to hit the man in the face, causing him to drop the book in arms reach of Steve.
He quickly grabbed it.
He turned, and even Bucky looked surprised at his strength.
Pierce opened the cell door. "Give me that."
Steve slammed his fist into the man's face and kicked him. He quickly went and helped Bucky to his feet before leading him outside in a sprint. They hid back in a nearby alley.
Steve held the book in his hands. "This thing is getting burnt."
Bucky nodded. Both sat down, Bucky leaning against Steve, still shivering.
"T-thank you.." he muttered.
Steve smiled. "Anytime. I'm not letting them turn you into the winter soldier again."
Bucky glanced up at him. He lifted his hand and gently prodded the nasty bruise on Steve's face. "But I hurt you.."
Steve shrugged. "I've had worse. Trust me. Like when I was frozen in the ice after I crashed a plane. Or when they gave me the super soldier serum and turned me into this," he motioned to his body.
Bucky gave a soft smile. "Thanks for..helping me..I know I didn't really deserve it."
Steve stared at him. "You did deserve it. And it's what friends are for."

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