Near Death

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The glass shattered. Steve threw up his vibranium shield in front of both him and Bucky, who stood behind him. He turned and glanced at him quickly before turning to block the incoming ray of bullets being sprayed at them. From the corner of his eye he saw Bucky's metal arm collide with one of the apparent HYDRA soldiers.
He was dealing with his own group. They fought tirelessly, that was for sure.
He wasn't even sure how in the actual hell they ended up in this situation. Well, he never seems to know does he?
He slammed his shield into one of the agents and sent them flying backward. The smell of smoke filled the room as a small fire was started on a wooden desk nearby. Despite it being only small, the smoke seemed to thicken, to the point where both friends were unable to see each other, or the HYDRA agents.
Steve heard a gun go off and thought he felt a tiny, stinging pain in his stomach, but the sudden rush of adrenaline seemed to block out the pain he should have felt as he knocked down another agent blindly.
More glass shattered. He spun around and saw that his foot was on the edge.
The soldiers were nearing him, glaring into his eyes poisonously. They aimed their guns.
He slipped, a sudden yell escaping him as he felt himself free-fall,  it was only a few seconds later a metal arm swung down and grabbed his own tightly.
"Hang on, Steve!"
Steve grunted, using one arm to sling his shield over his shoulder and attach it to the back of his suit.
Bucky pulled him back up. Both started to cough quite relentlessly as they entered the smoke-filled room.
"Any more?" Steve rasped.
He saw Bucky shake his head. "Let's get out of here.."
"Good idea."
They quickly crossed the room, stepping over the unconscious HYDRA agents below them.
Once they were clear of the smoke, the two friends stopped to catch their breath. Well, at least Bucky did. Steve barely broke a sweat.
"You okay?" Steve asked.
His friend nodded in reply. "What about you?"
Steve gave a sideways smirk, before the pain from his wound started to reveal itself. He had his hand over his stomach quite quickly, already knowing he had been shot.
"I'm fine," his unusually pained and exhausted tone seemed to give away that he wasn't.
"Steve..?" Bucky asked worriedly. He stared at where his friend's hand was clutching his stomach, so he couldn't see the likely wound underneath.
His hand finally slid away, covered in thick blood, along with a small hole in his suit, which was also stained with blood.
Steve gasped as he leaned against the wall, his knees starting to buckle.
Bucky was over quite quickly, throwing Steve's arm over his shoulder and catching him.
He gently lowered his friend to the ground and against the wall, staring at his blood-covered hand and suit.
"What'd you get yourself into this time..?" The worry wasn't hidden in his tone, even as he said the supposed-to-be humorous statement.
Steve gave a weak chuckle, beginning to cough quickly after.
"Dunno. Got myself shot, I guess.." he muttered.
Bucky placed his metal hand over the wound, quickly pulling it back at his friend's groan of pain.
He glanced at it. The metal was coated with a thin-layer of blood.
His eyes widened slightly as he stared back at Steve, who had slumped against the wall. Bucky's panic grew more when Steve's hand fell limply to his side.
"Steve..! Steve, don't do this to me. Steve!" He placed his fingers on Steve's neck. Thankfully, he felt a pulse, but it was horribly slow and sluggish. He needed help, fast.
"Please don't die on me, Steve.." Bucky muttered before hauling the unconscious super soldier to his feet, slinging his arm over his shoulder and grabbing it as he half-dragged the man out of the building.
Gosh, he's heavy..Bucky thought as he laid his friend down on the grass.
He sat down beside him, placing his arm on Steve's and looking down in shame. Reminds him of how he almost killed him on board that helicarrier when he was the Winter Soldier. He hated it..
He's sure he could have prevented this.
Then finish it. Because I'm with you to the end of the line..
Those words had brought him back. Brought him to realize what he had done and who the man he was trying to kill actually was.
He remembers saying the exact same thing to younger and much smaller Steve Rogers back in Brooklyn.
I'm with you to the end of the line, Pal.
It's still true..and there's nothing anyone could say or do to change that.

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