Civil War

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Steve slammed his fist into Iron Man's armor, he quickly took out his hand to blast at him, but he quickly took out his shield.
"Your friend killed my parents!" Tony exclaimed, throwing another hard punch and sending Captain America to the ground.
Bucky came in behind him, his metal arm colliding with Iron Man's back. It sent him stumbling forward, spinning around and throwing the Winter Soldier into the solid wall behind them.
"You know it wasn't him, Tony," Steve tried to explain as Bucky pushed himself to his feet. "HYDRA had control of his mind. They brainwashed him!"
Tony lifted up into the air and flew Steve into the wall. "I don't care.." he threw Steve onto the ground, who quickly got up and blocked another attack with his shield, kicking Tony's armor and throwing punches.
Bucky joined in the fight as well, restraining Iron Man while Captain America slammed his shield repeatedly into his armor.
Tony broke free and threw both men back, but they quickly joined back in.
The next thing Tony said made both Bucky and Steve freeze.
"Maybe if you could have prevented him from falling off that train, none of this would have happened!"
Steve's breath hitched. He never forgot about that day..
He blamed himself. It was all his fault for letting Bucky fall. He could have helped him.
"Steve..?" Bucky looked toward him, noticing his friend's shocked and pained expression.
Tony took the chance to raise his hand and blast Steve square in the stomach, sending him crashing to the floor.
Bucky let out a yell as he pinned Tony to the wall, his metal hand reaching and gripping the middle chest piece of his armor, trying to tear it.
Steve groaned as he struggled to his feet nearby. His head was pounding, and he felt extreme dizziness.
His mind kept wandering to what Tony had said, and he was right.
It was his fault.
Bucky, grab my hand!
Captain America knocked Iron man to the ground. Bucky quickly stepped back.
He repeatedly slammed his shield into the middle of the suit until it deactivated and cracked. He gasped and grabbed Bucky's metal hand as he pulled him up.
The Winter Soldier stared into his friend's eyes. He's never seen him so hopeless and fragile before..
Though, he did know that Steve never forgot the day he fell off the train. His reaction was enough to let Bucky know that he likely wouldn't recover from it.
Tony's words hurt him. If not scarred, even worse than he was before.
The Captain turned to his friend, exposing a small, but fake smile. It quickly faltered when he saw Bucky's concerned expression.
"Are you okay?"
Steve's breath hitched slightly. "Yea...yea I'm-I'm fine," He gave the same fake smile again. Though, Bucky could see some of the tears reflecting in Steve's eyes.
He placed a hand on and squeezed his friend's shoulder. "I'm here for you, pal."
They turned at the sound of Tony's voice.
"That shield doesn't belong to you. My father made that shield. You don't deserve it."
Steve stared toward the ground, throwing the vibranium shield onto the cold ground.
Bucky helped his friend out of the bunker and into the fresh air. They both sat down on the quin-jet.
Steve had his mask off, hands over his face. Bucky could hear his friend's shaky breathing. He didn't know how horribly the accident had affected his friend. He had some idea, but...

He rested his real hand on his shoulder. "Steve.."
He looked up, and Bucky saw the severe damage the words must have done to his friend. Even when Steve recognized him as the Winter Soldier, he's never seen such utter hopelessness and pain in his eyes.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you.." Steve muttered. The way he said it seemed to break Bucky's soul.
He wrapped his arm around Steve's shoulder, pulling him closer. He turned and embraced him in a comforting hug.
"It wasn't your fault, Steve.."
The Super Soldier looked up at him.
"It's just like you told me. I didn't have a choice. There's nothing you could have done. But I'm still alive."
Steve sighed. "I know—I just-they did horrible things to you, Buck.." he glanced at him. "They experimented on you and brainwashed you and-"
Bucky stopped him. He pulled back and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Like I've said before..I'm with you to the end of the line, buddy."
Steve looked toward him, and Bucky swore he saw a twinkle of hope in his eyes.
"Everything will be fine," Bucky reassured. "Now what do you say we head back?"
Steve got to his feet with a small smile and headed for the captain's seat. He pat Bucky's shoulder.
"Thank you, Buck.."

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