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Captain America slammed his fist into the side of the man's head. Him and Bucky had run into a bit of trouble trying to return to the avengers compound, and found themselves in a forest surrounded by HYDRA agents.
He turned just in time to see Bucky slam his metal fist into someone's face. He gave a small smirk in satisfaction.
Steve spun around and body slammed an agent into the ground, grunting as the agent fought back ferociously. He took out a gun, but didn't even have time to shoot it before Steve slammed his fist into the agent's head, rendering him unconscious.
He'd deal with him later.
Captain America got to his feet, grabbing his shield and blocking a gunshot.
"Whew.." He wiped a hand across his face. Sweat was pouring down it, from both the fight and the tremendous heat blaring down on him. It was uncomfortable, obviously.
Bucky took down another man, and broke another one's arm.
Steve felt a presence behind him, but spun around too late. The sound of a gun echoed through the forest. He felt a sudden pain in his abdomen, which radiated through his entire body.
He gasped, turning and slamming one more agent to the ground before he, himself, went too.
Bucky looked toward him, taking down one last HYDRA agent before making his way quickly toward his wounded friend.
He attempted to get to his feet, but stumbled forward and fell. Bucky quickly reached out and grabbed him.
"Thanks.." He breathed.
Bucky swung his friend's arm onto his shoulder, gripping onto his hand as they made their way to a safer zone.
"Let's get somewhere safer.."
Steve remained quiet, and eventually Bucky set him down. He sat himself down next to him, inspecting the bloodied stain on Steve's suit.
"Damn," He silently muttered. "Need to get this looked at."
Steve rolled his eyes. "You think?"
He grunted, leaning forward and throwing his hands over the wound. The pain had grew increasingly severe.
Bucky placed his real hand on his friend's back. "Are you okay?
Steve gave a forced smile. "I will be."
The Winter Soldier glanced around the forest, looking for some way to know where they were going.
"I think we're lost," Steve said, beating him to it.
"Just about what I was thinking," Bucky replied, glancing at his friend.
Steve groaned softly, his head falling back against the tree he was leaning against. He was visibly trying not to let the agonizing pain get to him.
Bucky turned back to Steve, squeezing his shoulder. "Think you can stand?"
Steve took in a breath, nodded, and stood, wrapping his arms around Bucky's neck for support.
About 10 minutes into their walk, Steve felt his strength seem to waver.
"I think I need a rest.." His knees buckled, but Bucky caught him and lowered him to the ground. He put Steve's upper body on his lap, his metal hand laying on his chest.
"Stay with me, Steve.." Bucky said.
The man seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness, seeming to be in more pain each time he woke.
"Gosh, this...Burns.." Steve gasped, placing his hand over the bloodied area of his suit.
Bucky chuckled softly. "Of course it does, punk."
He noticed Steve glare at him. "Jerk.." he laughed slightly, but it triggered a severe coughing fit. Bucky lifted his friend up and patted his back until it ceased.
"You good?"
"I think..."
Bucky rolled his eyes. "You can relax now, Steve. I'll keep watch."
The super soldier nodded, allowing his eyes to drift close.

When he opened them again, he was in a white room, laying on some sort of bed based on the soft mattress.
He gave a soft groan and just barely cracked open his eyelids. They drifted to the left where he saw Bucky half-asleep in a chair. His metal arm was drooped over it.
Steve managed a weak laugh.
"Hey Buck."
Bucky blinked open his eyes fully. He lifted his metal arm and turned to look, a bit startled, at Steve, who was staring at him with an amused expression.
"What..?" He asked a bit drowsily.
Once he fully became self-aware, his eyes shot open as he leaned toward his friend, placing an arm on his shoulder.
"Steve! Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He spoke quite quickly.
Steve laughed. "I'm fine, Bucky. Feel like crap, though. Feel like I got beat up by that kid again when we first met."
Bucky gave a tired laugh. "I can imagine."
Steve rolled his eyes. "Thanks for being here, Buck. I appreciate it."
Bucky smiled. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be here?"
Steve seemed lost in thought. "I don't really know actually. You should figure that out," He grinned.
The man yawned. "Maybe. I've been watching you all night, I'm exhausted."
Steve blinked. "Guess I'm feeling a little tired too. We should both get some rest."
Bucky nodded, rustling Steve's hair playfully before he got to his feet.
"I'll be back, you know," He said.
"I know, you jerk."

Bucky and Steve OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now