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Bucky and Steve arrived at the abandoned warehouse. Someone had told them that, apparently, there was something..HYDRA related going on here.
"I don't see anything," Bucky glanced at him.
Steve looked around just to make sure. They haven't even gone into the actual building yet, but it was strangely eerie. "Me neither..might have been a prank."
Bucky gave Steve a look. "Come on, Steve. Who would be hilarious enough to do that?"
Steve chuckled and slapped Bucky's shoulder. "I know some people."
Bucky narrowed his eyes. "You better not be talking about me."
"Relax, relax I'm not," Steve replied with a humored smile. "But I might be."
Bucky gave a low chuckle. He aimed his gun ahead of them, looking around cautiously.
"Might want to be careful just in case, though," Steve said.
Bucky nodded.
They finally head inside the warehouse. Steve had his shield up in front of him just in case someone decided to attack them. But so far, there was absolutely no hint of anyone being here forever.
"I really think that this just might be some sort of joke now," Bucky said. He walked slowly through the building, looking in almost every direction.
"Well, I almost died last time it was this quiet, so I wouldn't underestimate the power of silence," Steve replied with a quick glance toward his friend.
Bucky chuckled and shook his head.
As they continued deeper into the large warehouse, it started to become more empty, except for a strange glow coming from the back.
"Steve," Bucky whispered.
"Hm?" Captain America walked over and looked toward where Bucky was pointing. He, too, saw the mysterious glow.
"What is that?"
Bucky shrugged. "You think I know?"
Steve shook his head, and started forward.
"Be careful," Bucky said from a couple feet behind him.
"I'm always careful," Steve replied.
Silence stood like a stone wall between them. No one said a word, and they could both hear each others' nervous breathing.
Steve crept closer to the strange blue glow, but right when he was close enough to touch it, it disappeared. Someone grabbed his shield and slammed it into his head, sending him to the floor.
"Agh! Bucky!"
His friend swiftly ran over, gun raised. He lowered it and grabbed Steve's hand to pull him up. "You okay? What happened?"
Steve reached behind for his shield, and then felt around the floor, but couldn't find it. "Where's my shield?"
Bucky glanced around. "Someone take it?"
Steve glared at him. "Probably! What do you think? It grew legs and walked off?"
He heard Bucky snort. "I wish."
Steve just rolled his eyes, before a gun went off, striking him in his thigh. Two men emerged, covered in full-body armor.
He hissed and placed his hand over the bleeding wound. Bucky turned and aimed his gun and fired, but the bullets just bounced off of them effortlessly.
"What the hell?" Bucky muttered.
Steve grunted and stood up straight. "Who are you?" He demanded.
Both men looked at each other. They then looked back at the two of them.
Both aimed their guns toward the defenseless Steve. He was not as agile due to his wound, and it seemed to radiate through his entire body, making it difficult to move.
Bucky's eyes widened. "Steve!" He ran in front of the incoming projectiles and tackled his friend to the ground. The men ran off shortly after.
Steve hissed. "Ouch, Bucky.." he got to his feet slowly.
"Sorry," Bucky muttered.
Steve suddenly noticed how weird Bucky looked. His face had gone pale, and he was badly sweating.
His friend looked toward him, and Steve barely caught the two bullet holes in his chest and stomach before he collapsed.
"No!" Steve ran over and fell to his knees next to him. He tore a piece of his suit off to place over the chest wound, since that was the most fatal.
"Damn you, Buck..why'd you do that..?"
Bucky looked up at him and gave a weak chuckle, coughing up small specs of blood. "Couldn't...let you die, Steve.." he muttered breathlessly.
Steve blinked back the tears he felt rising up in his eyes. "Just..just stay with me..please..?" It came out more as a pleading question than an instruction.
Bucky gripped his arm with his real one. "Steve.." he coughed again. His metal arm dug into the floor from the pain.
The Super Soldier quickly wiped some tears before he had the courage to look down at his life-long friend. He took a deep and trembling breath. "Yeah..?"
Bucky coughed again, this time more severely. He leaned his head against Steve's leg. He quickly lifted his friend half into his lap, where Bucky laid his head against Steve's chest, listening to his breathing.
"I'm-I'm sorry.."
Steve shook his head and looked down at Bucky, who was looking at him with an extremely sad expression. One he'd never seen his friend show before.
"Don't do this again, Buck..I nearly lost you last time, I can't again..."
Bucky lifted his hand and squeezed Steve's. He had almost forgotten how torn up his friend was after thinking he had died from the train incident. He couldn't imagine how it would affect him now. Except this wasn't fake..
"I'm.." he muttered, out of breath. It felt like all the oxygen was getting ripped from him, just like his memories were before.
"I.." he coughed and turned himself onto his side (kind of)  and wrapped his arms around Steve's waist. "I'm sorry..." he muttered the same thing over and over repeatedly.
Steve saw the tears running down Bucky's face. He knew that his friend clearly didn't want to have to leave him this way either.
"I don't..I don't want to," Bucky coughed. "Someone's..gotta keep an..eye on you.." his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head but he fought to keep himself both conscious and alive for however much longer he could.
It terrified Steve seeing him this weak.
Bucky coughed a couple more times. It broke into painful and short gasps. His metal arm reached for his throat, but Steve managed to restrain it.
Once he calmed down, Bucky turned himself back onto his back, staring up at his friend and locking into his eyes to try to keep himself calm, but that didn't seem to work seeing how Steve's eyes seemed broken already.
"Bucky, please.." Steve muttered.
He gave Steve a small, bloodied smile. "I...I love you, Steve.." He gasped again, this time his body somewhat jerking painfully upright. Steve held him up, hugging him tightly. He didn't want to let go.
He's just happy Bucky survived this long.
"I love you too, Buck.." he muttered. His voice was stained with lots of emotions. Pain, sadness, suffering.
He saw Bucky smile a bit mischievously at him, or as well as he could, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed. His metal arm dropped limply to his side, coming into contact with the floor with a solid thud.
Steve shook his head and leaned over him, allowing the sobs to take over.

Bucky and Steve OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now