Chapter 7: The theme park!

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Kat Pov:

As I was literally dying in my bathroom with flowers and flower petals everywhere, my phone went off ringing and vibrates. Making my head hurt even more then it was with the annoying sound, What a great morning to start off with.

I meant to stop the call but accidentally press answer, and I'll feel bad if I just hang up on her.

"Heyyyyyyy Katttttttt" Goldy yelled

"H-hey Gold- *cough cough* Goldy!"

"Uhh you okay, You sound like your dying."

Oh really now

"Y-yeah sorry just having a c-coughing fit, what u-up?* I turn it off speaker phone and held the phone up to my ear

"Well you know your girl right here just so happens to have tickets to the theme park that going on today and just to give you heads up that im taking you with me today with everyone else coming!"

"W-wait Goldy I- *cough* I can't-"

"To late im already 2 mins away from your house so get ready!" She cut me off as she hang up.

God damn ughh wait 2 minutes shit no I can't have her see me like this gotta clean up!


I was in the back right of the car as Goldy was talking to the others on the phone up front. well it like she still driving she just using that phone app that set up in her car or whatever. Ryan holding hands with Tina who right next to me.

I was leaning on the windows looking outside until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I turn to see Tina next to me giving me a worried look. "Kat is everything alright you seem down and sick" she asked rubbing my left shoulder.

Guess it noticeable that Im not okay, to her anyway.

"Sorry yeah a-am okay j-just not having a great m-morning that all." I stutter

"Hmm you and Tony both."

"What?" I sat up nicely giving her a confused look, what does that mean? Did something happen? "What mean?"

"Well I woke up at like 5:30 this morning from him yelling on the phone, I think he was having a fight with someone on the phone-" she came close to my ear and whispered " and between you and me I think he was fighting with Skye and not one of his friends over something stupid."

Him and skye fighting, Yeah right have you see them? They are WAY to lovely dovely were it doesn't only make me sick because of well I liked him and all, Am not believing this

"Am not believing this they are way to in love with each other!" I said crossing my arms and almost tearing up from saying that, But I quickly hid it before she noticed.

"Well that what I thought at first but after what I heard them fighting about Im starting to doubt that."

"What did they say-"

"We're here!" Goldy scream cutting me off.

"I tell you later" Tina whispered quietly as everyone got out of the car. We met up with Dave, Danny, Skye, Riley, Cookie and Tony.
The girls talked to each other as the guys chat and high five each other, but Tony seem so down and so does Skye. I wonder what happen,
We lined up to get are passes and fought over what ride to go on first.

After a little while from them fighting we all just split up, i went with Goldy to the swing ride where you would go up high and start swinging around. I'm not a fan of heights but Goldy promised we can take the seats that were connected together, so she be next to me just in case I start to panic.

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