It's Just A Updateeeeeeee

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So the book gonna be on hold for a little, or maybe until next summer break 0-0

But why Daydreamer?! Why make us wait any longer?!

Welp Online school is kinda stressful to me, I never get work all done in the same day and it take me the whole day to get at least 2/5 work done that day.

Also I don't watch Ryguyrocky anymore except when I'm really really bored and wanna rewatch da whole series which isn't often anymore

However I did say I wanna finishing da book but I dunno how to make the ending good, not saying that it gonna be a happy ending....or will

I can't decide if I wanna do sad or happy or anything as a good ending

So the book might be on hold for as least until winter break when I don't have work to do anymore, does that sound okay?

I mean school is more important then the fanfic in my opinion but idk :P
I make it up to you with a drawing once I finish the other drawing I said I would do for someone and then haven't had the time too-

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