Chapter 14: Afraid

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Dave Pov:

Me, And Danny are laughing so hard from all our terrible puns.

"You wanna know what one lung said to the other?" I asked looking at the two

"What?!" Danny asked curious as he try not to get too close to the road where cars are all over the place.

"We be-lung together!" I laughed knowing that was really bad

"Dude that was terrible haha!" Danny told me playfully punching me by the shoulder and just sighed shaking his head in disappointment

We kept walking together on are way to school laughing are ass off when we bump into two people

"Ah so sorry you guys, didn't know you were around the corner!" Danny apologize to Skye and Tony who seem to been talking about something

"Oh no it alright, good morning you guys" Tony told us

"Good morning!" Danny said

"Morning, the day has been quite an amazing day so far" i said in a happy mood

"Uh is it good if we walked with you guys?" Skye asked nervously

"Wait really?!" Danny asked in surprise and excited, I can't lie I'm also very excited. It been so long since me and him got to even walk together with the two lovebird dorks. However I try to hide my excitement.

"Yeah of course, it been awhile since the group been together" Tony said

"No no it been awhile since YOU two have been in the group, the two of us have been walking together and chatting on the phone pretty often" I told him making sure they been missing out a lot

"But you guys can still walk with us" Danny told them, obviously wanting them both around. He had such a wide smile on his face like this was the best day of his life, which made me even more happy seeing him like this.

"What he said" I said right after, showing my smile a little to the group

Skye and Tony join us on our way to school and I can tell Tony regret it immediately after we kept on making puns, but I know he missed us. I mean who wouldn't?

"Hey Danny, tell Skye and Tony that one pun you told me earlier" I said looking towards Tony who eyes was on someone else, when I turned around to see who he was looking at. I saw Kat wearing a hoodie which was on and her hair blocking her face.

"Hey Kat-" Tony started but then Kat just started running off as if someone was chasing her with a chainsaw. She was running fast. "Kat!" We all shouted, why did she just run once she saw us? We decided or Tony decided to follow her since he said something didn't feel right.

We all made it to school when we lost her, we knew for a fact she was at school since we all saw her run to the gates going in.

"Why did she run from us, Did we do something wrong?" Danny asked and I just shrugged.

"Well I'll try looking for her today, I'm sure she didn't mean it in a rude way." Skye suggests as Tony agree and we all split up hearing the bell ring. But Tony was going the wrong way to his door, where he going?

Kat Pov:

I was running down the hallways when that feeling in my stomach came back and I had to get into the nearest bathroom before I make a horrible mistake

Right now the cinnamon red blood with the cinnamon red bloody flowers were all over the ground, it's getting worse and worse each time. The pain grows stronger and more roses and rose petals come out each time, so if anything I'm coming closer and closer to my death.

I'm holding my stomach feeling as if I ate too many cookies with milk and feel like I'll throw all of it up.  And since I'm having trouble with getting it all out, I had to stick my fingers down my throat and forcefully throw up the rest. Only finally feel alright and got it all out of my System, I flushed the toilet and cleaned up the horrible mess.

I heard someone yelling if I was okay and knocking on the door, ignoring the person knocking on the girl bathroom door I was giving myself a minute to calm down after that. But the person knocking wasn't helping and just giving me a even worse of a headache then I already had. luckily for me I have my gym shirt that I can wear from my bag since the one I have on now is cover in blood.....and if someone saw that it probably wouldn't end well

"Kat are you okay, open up!!!" The sounds from behind the door yelled knocking

"H-hold on!" I told them getting up, assuming it was a teacher since when I ran into the bathroom there was a male teacher who saw me and I been in here for a awfully long time. I change my clothes and a minute later I threw away each bloody toilet paper I used to clean up the floor and toilet and throw it into the toilet then flush it all down. I walked out of the stall and washed up from the sink and I took a look at myself in the Mirror, my eyes are half closed and I got bags under my eyes. And I'm super pale like paler then a vampire can ever be, Bandage cover almost my whole body and my left cheek. But not so much of some of the bruises.


"Oh sorry!" I weakly said as I turned off the sink and dried my hands.

I walked out the door and to my surprise it turned out the person asking if I was okay was Tony who had a concern look.....shit, I quickly and panicky hid my face with my hair and my hood blocking my face as I look down.

"Hey Kat, uh is there something wrong?"

"Huh w-what do you m-mean...?" I stutter afraid he will noticed

"Well earlier you kinda ran from us when we call out your name and right now your kinda...hiding you face."

"I-it nothing really, shouldn't you be in c-class anyway?" I asked still looking at the ground and shaking from fear still thinking he might see the bruises and bandages.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked me and I nervously nodded

"Ohh yeah..w-well let to class before-" as I was walking away only to get cut off by him grabbing my wrist and pulled me back, yanking me towards him and he try to move the hair from my face.

When I saw his face turn into confusion when he saw some bandages on me, I quickly pushed his hand and freaked out.

"D-don't touch me!" I yelled and he stood in shook, I looked down as I held my hand that he yanked me from and try to stop the tears from coming out.

"K-Kat..why-" before he got to finish I ran away from him and ran into a random room to only find out it was a Storage room, a small one but i could easily hide since there were many stuff in here and I was small enough.

I hid in one spot and try to stay away from the door, I waited a few minutes until I thought I was clear. I moved a little to get comfortable and lay my head onto the wall, tears start to form as I thought.

Why did I do that?

He was just....wondering?

I just pushed him away....

But W-what if....he found out?

Shaking the thought off my mind, I checked the time on my phone to see the bell was gonna ring again. Meaning people are gonna be everywhere, meaning more people looking for me and the more chances of me getting caught.
So I decided I'll just stay put, I don't know why I'm so afraid to the point I'm just hiding but I don't wanna have to explain anything to them or have anyone even see my face. If they saw all the bruises and bandages then I'm gonna be screwed. I didn't realize tears were falling down but I wiped them away quickly, then felt something move from my pocket so I slipped my hand in and grabbed the only thing in it.

I took a look at my phone and received a message from....

Shark: 'meet me after school behind the school building.'

Words: 1451

Again I'm not checking the chapter for mistakes or misunderstandings because ehh I'm lazy

However thanks a lot for reading my fanfic! We got to 1K which make me very happy, I'm very glad people like my story! :D

He love me, he love me notOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora