Blind Hope

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Fire consuming the hearts
Sleeves burning up in flames,
Dark red spills on the floor
Never enough but exhaustible
Red lost in the blue
Where the green meets the blue, I walk
Searching in the depths, terrified of the widths.

Music drowns a soul
Lamenting a song of heartbreaks,
Until life can be found
Enriched with flaws, yet beautiful.
Quietness hovers over the empty plains
Moss breaches into the lair,
Unafraid and invincible
Just another one of futile human effort
Counting on the hope of the uncountable.

A mask floats out in the dark
Thin lining separating the two
Just enough to keep the world going.
A call for the weak and the depressed
Generating forces of strong emotions
Like flood, powerless for some
Ocean-swept feet, cold and wet.

Unheard silence,
Overrated like the next lady's hair
Curly and red,
Drowning out the pleasure
Contrasting and enriching
Exploding in our pupils.

Body left helpless
Mind a far out place
Limitless and uncontainable
Imagination rules the skies
Waters of want flood the oceans.
Stranded on a beach,
Locked in a cocoon of a butterfly
Emerges our only help.


Date: 11th February 2020

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