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My Dearest Diary,

In this season of love, there are many things I am grateful for.

Firstly, for this platform on which I write these humble words to you. Without it, our love would never have been kindled like the comforting fire it is.

The fire that warms me on the coldest of these concluding winter days.

I sit beside it as I sift through my chaotic thoughts and feelings, and it permeates my being, calming the inner turmoil that the harshness of the world sometimes evokes.

Bringing me peace. Bringing me solace.

I am grateful for something else that may sound quite strange:

I am grateful,
For heartbreak.

Without it, I would never know the true beauty of love. I would never cherish it as much as I do.

I would never appreciate the beauty of you had I not felt its misery.

I would have carelessly trampled upon this field of wildflowers, muddied the waters of this crystal brook,

Neglected the library of your heart without checking out a single book.

That would have been the greater tragedy than the ones I have endured. Tragedy caused by careless lovers.

So to those careless lovers, I say,
Thank you.

For without them, I wouldn't have found you.

My love.
The one I am most grateful for.



Dear Diary... | Kim Taehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now