-Beginning anew-

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Dreams text
Nightmares text.
'  ' for thoughts/thinking
"  " for talking.

-We start out as nightmare, because why not-


Nightmares pov:

' ugh. My brothers stupid team won this round. We had to retreat this time. Luckily tho, they didnt make it out unscathed. I know i broke a few ribs on ink, and blue's arm is definitely snapped. The others stabbed at dream a few times but im not too sure if they actually managed to hit him. He may be an idiot but he is definitely fast.' I growled at the thoughts i was having. Looking over what is left of the battle field now that almost everyone is in their respective au.

'If only there was a shard of that blasted staff.... Then he wouldn't fight back to easily. ' Then i smirked at my own plan. ' Ill taint the staff he has some day, i just need the others to some how chip it while he is fighting. Positivity is brittle, but tough. They will have to try hard, almost to snap it.' I sat against a tree. Smiling evilly at this idea. " Soon, you wont have any defense to you.. Brother."

Dreams POV:
'Jeez... They get stronger everytime we fight them. Ink n blue got really hurt, and wont be able to fight to well for a while. Ill be on my own, as ive only gotten a few cuts n scrapes. Thank the stars for speed.' He thought worriedly to himself. He paced a bit in the home ink had made for him just a bit outside the doodlesphere. ' maybe i should stay low for a while. At least untill they are healed up a bit. I just... I dont know of anything i could do in the mean time. 1 on 5 would be basically suicide. I can bearly hold my own against dust and horror. Laying low would be a good idea. At least for now. '


hese are gonna be semi-short till i can build up confidence. Hopefully yall dont mind. owo;;

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