a tight spot.

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From here one, it will be in no ones pov. 

Three months later...
"Where did they f**kin go?! little electric balls of-" nightmare was ranting to himself, as he almost feel looking for something amongst his things. The other evil sans' were currently fighting ink and dream, since blue's arm is still really broken.
"Aha! There they are!"  Nightmare exclaimed. He held a group of three blueish orbs. "Heh. Even if we cant kill both, we can atleast capture one of them. And i already know who to grab." Nightmare evilly said to himself. Teleporting to the battle field. Nightmare looked for a good spot to launch his trap. Dream was currently fighting dust and killer, getting a few cuts. Ink is dealing with error and horror, almost getting trapped in errors strings.

Nightmare smiled wickedly, and gave a signal to make a fake out attack. He didnt wanna trap his subordinates, even if they are mostly stupid. Dust and killer smiled, and made a fake charge at dream, causing him to back up twords where nightmare is at. They then jumped back leaving dream confused. Suddenly the trap sprung around dream, as the electric balls attached to his cape n arms, sending powerful shocks through him. He screamed then fell to his knees, as nightmare wrapped a tentacle around him, even with no strength, he still wouldn't be running away. Dream shook a little, and was almost unconscious. "Night night~ Little brother~" nightmare said mockingly as dreams eyes slowly closed. Ink yelled at nightmare, dodging errors strings. "Let him go! No!" As ink was entangled in errors strings, nightmare grinned wildly. "With you two captured, no one will keep negativity from spreading all throughout the multiverse. But dont worry, i dont plan to kill either one of you, y e t. Error, deal with him as you want, you just cant kill him, g o t i t?" Error nodded as ink was pulled away into errors anti-void. Horror was given plenty of food for his assistance, dust and killer were given new knives and a few people to kill. Nightmare had placed dream in a small cell, it didnt have a window, but it did have a soft bed, a pillow, and a kind-of thin blanket.
Nightmare then took one final look at his brother, while holding his staff. "Soon, you wont be able to fight me anymore, dream. Sleep tight~"
He said as the door closed. And no light showed in there...

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