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This one will have a tad bit of a time skip in it. Not to much of one, but enough of one.
Dream had curled up on the bed in his cell. He felt extremely cold, and not the chill either. He was shivering under the blanket. The candle hadnt gone out, nor did it really change much. But it wasnt helping. He wasnt even able to summon his staff anymore either, so trying to use magic was a no. Especially since nightmare had shattered it infront of him as well.
Nightmare on the other hand was busy sorting out a few of his emotions. He had snapped dreams staff a few days ago, in pure anger. And afterwards, he felt calm. Dream hadnt even tried to fight him since his capture, nor was he trying to. He was sipping some tea while going over some renovation plans for his castle, when he heard a sneeze from dream. (Nightmare can hear dream due to some enchantments on his cell. Little hard to explain just roll with it.)
Nightmare had set his tea down and teleported to dreams cell. Since it had been a few days, he was hesitant a bit. Since he really didnt wanna do much with dream. Keeping him locked away made things kinda peacefull, at least in the taking over the multiverse sense.

Nightmare pushed open the door to dreams cell, causing the yellow guardian to jump a bit. "..." Nightmare looked at dream, dreams face was flushed and he looked pale. A tentacle creeped over and touched dreams forehead, which caused him to flinch. Dream was burning up. Nightmare thought for a moment, then sighed.  "Alright. Im moving you out of this cell and into a better room. Only due to you being sick, and i have to renovate this half of the castle anyway. But if you try to run off, escape, or roam the castle, ill be putting you in a similar room like this one, got it?" Nightmare said with a monotone, yet a threatening one. Dream quickly nodded, not wanting to protest a better room, nor really getting a room worse then it.  "Good." Nightmare wrapped a tentacle around dream, keeping him wrapped in the blanket. And started walking down the hall. Dream looked around, noticing the different paintings n such nightmare has along the walls. He noticed one in particular, one him and nightmare painted all those years ago. "Y-you still have the old painting we did? I thought you w-would have gotten rid of it." He stuttered, due to the fever making him cold. "I only kept it because i didnt feel like hunting around for a different one to go in its place. Plus it does go well with the aesthetic of the castle." Nightmare said back, still walking forword. Dream had a very tiny smile. "T-thank you for not getting rid of it yet then." He said, shivering more. Nightmare sighed, the rest of the walk was fairly quiet for the both of them.
Finally, after a good few turns, nightmare opened a door to a room with a fairly large bed, a couple dressers, a bathroom(aka shower room), and one small window.
Dream was sat down on the bed and put under its blanket as well. " dont move from there. Ill be right back with some soup and cold medicine. I MIGHT bring a heating blanket if you stay put." He said calmly, dream nodded to that, and simply curled up further under the blankets.

Nightmare teleported to his kitchen and got the soup, then got some cold medicine, and mixed it into a cup for the broth, so dream wouldnt drop the pills. (Pills are hard to find once they hit the floor-)
He thought for a moment, and went to grab a heating blanket while the soup was warming, along with the broth. 
He got the blanket, grabbed the soup and broth, then teleported back to the room dream is in. Dream had stayed in bed, like nightmare had asked/told him too. Dream had sat up while nightmare set the soup to the table on the side of the bed, along with the broth. "The medicine is in the broth so you would drop the pills while shivering. Try to eat the soup first as the medicine has some ingredients that knock you out. The heating blanket runs on powerful batteries, so once they run out, ill replace them as long as you dont try running off. I havent fully decided on things to do with you just yet, but you dont need to die from being sick before i do." Nightmare said the last bit quietly, but dream heard it. "O-ok. And nightmare.... Thank you." "Sure sure whatever, just eat your soup." Nightmare teleported away quickly after dream had said that.

Dream took sips from little spoonfuls of his soup, and drank the brouth. He then wrapped himself up in the heating blanket, and got himself comfortable on the bed. After a few minutes, dream fell asleep, not shaking as much as he was before, and with a small smile on his face.
{ he does care, at least, a little bit...} Dream thought before he fully fell asleep, gaining warmth from the blankets and the better room he is in. A little sunlight/twilight shined through the window with its last bit of rays for the day.

(WOOOO 900+ words! Yay!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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