Chapter 1

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I had it all in the palm of my hands, the money, the fame, the billboards on Times Square, the recognition. There was nothing else that I could possibly ask for. I had worked hard for everything that I earned and had gained my respect, love and of course hate by my peers in the industry and spectators alike. I wish I could say that I content but I wasn't. I heard someone say once the loudest screams are the silent ones, but why couldn't anyone hear me?

I looked down from the balcony to see everyone here in my Miami mansion to celebrate me. My junior album would drop tonight and I had already crashed iTunes for a few hours with an overload of fans purchasing it through a pre-sale. What had only started out to be a small get together to celebrate my album drop turned into a party that was too much for me to handle. I was more than grateful for my best friend, Karrueche, my manager, Tiana, and my personal assistant, Mickey, for picking up the slack where I couldn't. There was no where near enough of me to go around.

"Nayomi you're parents are upstairs ripping each other new assholes."Karrueche whispered in my ear as I sipped on the cocktail that Mickey had slipped me despite the fact that I wouldn't be 21 for another six months.

"They can't manage to be civil for one night." I groaned. "One night is all I need from them. Act like the happy ass married couple that people see on TV." I mumbled to myself turning away from the crowd of people below me. I watched as Tiana hurried towards me from the opposite direction.

"They want you to preform something downstairs." Tianna gushed. "They want you to sing something from the album. I think it'll be great to give a tiny performance of your next single. I told them that you would be down in a moment." Tiana said. I sighed rubbing my throat. My voice was tired from singing day in and day out over that last couple of weeks. When we had finally rapped up the album I had celebrated by drowning myself in Ben and Jerry's ice cream. If I really were to perform something downstairs I would sound like a nasally mess. "Jay Z is downstairs and it's no secret that you're looking for a new home. I think Roc Nation just might be the place for you Nay."

"Tiana, I'll...." I sighed. "I'll be down in a moment. I have to go deal with making sure my parents don't kill each other. But I'll be down in a moment." I said finishing the drink in my hand and handing it to Mickey as she approached me. I grabbed Rue by the hand and leaned forward to whisper in Mickey's ear. "Make sure I have another one of those waiting after I finished singing." I pulled Rue with me down the long hallway in my home and to the bedroom that I had allowed Tiana, Rue, and my mother to get prepared for tonight in. As we got closer the yelling became more audible. I opened the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you two? You can't be civil for six hours? Six damn hours." I crossed my arms over my chest. "This one night, you can't just pull yourselves together for me and just pretend like you don't hate each other?" my mother rolled her eyes as she looked away from my father and at me.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but your father is low. He's the lowest of the low. Evan, why don't you tell your daughter what you just told me? Huh! Tell her what you just told me!" she yelled. My father sighed shaking his head.

"Nevaeh, this is not the time. I've been trying to explain this to you for the past hour and a half." he said his tone even and stern.

"Daddy, what is it? Could you just tell me so that I can just mentally prepare for this. I have a crowd of people downstairs, you know here to celebrate me and I really can't deal with the two of you acting like babies right now."

"Honey, Trinity is pregnant." he said. Rue squeezed my hand and I felt my jaw drop a little and my lip curled in disgust. I laughed in disbelief.

"I have to go, downstairs. You two are welcomed to join the party if you're not going to kill each other, but I have to to go sing." I mumbled pulling Rue with me out of the room.

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