Chapter One

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Wolf and fish, water and land. She started telling me the legend of the wolf and maiden. A love that was one of a kind. My mother told me the story ever night, it is my favorite story. She tucked me in as she began telling the story "once upon a time there was a wolf, a werewolf like you and me. He lived in a strong pack, he was an Epsilon in the pack. One summer he went to his uncle's pack by the sea to learn but what he didnt know is that he would find his love. When summer came, he moved to his uncle's pack. They lived by the beach in California and swam every day. One day the young wolf swam farther than he had before to the huge rocks far from his uncle's pack. He climbed onto a rock to take a break when he heard." I was entranced by the story. I was only 7 so I understood some big words. She made the shadow of her hands look like fins "a splish and splash! He looked over the rock and saw" we said it together "a mermaid!". She nodded "her fish-like tail was stuck in two rocks. He got closer as he held his hands up 'I wont hurt you, I want to help you.' he said hoping to make her feel better. He climbed on the rock next to her and held out his hand. She stopped splashing and froze, scared what would happen. He lifted the rock that her tail was stuck under. She quickly drove under water as he realised she was the love of his life. He put the rock back, happy he got to help his soulmate. He sat on the rock looking into the ocean hoping she would return. He went home a little bit later and refused to tell anyone what he had seen. Every day that week he went swimming hoping to see her again when one day he swam back to the rock where he first saw her again only this time she was there. When he climbed on the rock he fell off!" I giggled " he was surprised to see her. He climbed back on the rock as she sat there giggling. They said hello and told eachother their names.

The mermaid and the wolf became close friends over the summer. The day before he had to leave she showed him a secret. She could turn into a human if she wished. They decided to go to his home together. Leaving her home behind she went with him to his home. They told no one of her secret, they only knew she was his mate. A few years later the wolf and the mermaid had a child. One summer they went back to her home to show her parents the baby. When a terrible storm happened." I gasped "they vanished into the storm never to be seen again but it is said that when you go to the pack they lived in you can still here the baby's laughter. The end now lay down and go to sleep, Iara." I laid down "okay, mommy. Can you sing me a song? A kiss and a hug?" she laughed. She sang a lullaby, kissed my forehead, and hugged me as I drifted off to sleep.

-----Nine years later----
I laughed as I ran through the woods. I looked behind me "race you to the border." I raced my bff through the woods to the border. My bff, Weylyn, and I reached the border at the same time. We raced back to the house running through the woods. When we reached home we stopped as we caught our breaths. We went inside and got some water. We sat down as we drank water. We have been pretty much inseparable since he was born. He is my little brother and my bff. I took the opportunity to have a bff when he was born and made sure to be his bff more than his sister. Our mother walked into the kitchen were we were sitting. She looked worried "Iara we are going to go for a trip next week. We will be gone for a few weeks so pack your bags. It's going to be a family trip." she left suddenly. I wonder what is wrong. Today is Saturday and I wonder why they want to go on a trip so suddenly. Its close to the end of the summer and I already excelled my classes and will start public school in the fall. I worked on schoolwork while others were on summer break because I wanted to start public school early. We looked at eachother concerned by what mom might have to tell us during this trip. We went to the entertainment room and he played pool with his friends while I watched a show. When the dinner howl was heard we ran to the table. I sat down next to my brother and the room fell silent as the alpha walked in. We remained silent in respect when he sat down and got his food the room erupted with noise as everyone started to eat. After dinner I watched a movie before heading up to bed. I didnt sleep well because worry kept me awake.

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