Chapter Four

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They looked worried and the other alpha mention something about a great neice. Am I related to him? Is he my great uncle?

I walked up to the house and she ran up to me. They hugged me and talked about how worried they were. I told them that I had something to tell them. We walked inside and went to a room. It was a grand room, it looked like some type of a meeting room. The alpha sat at the head of the table while the poeple who I thought were my parents sat across the table from me. The Alpha started the conversation "Let us tell you what happened before you comment or reply. " I nodded as they spoke "We have told you part of the story your entire life but as a fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a wolf, a werewolf like you and me. He lived in a strong pack, he was an Epsilon in the pack. One summer he went to his uncle's pack by the sea to learn. The uncle is your great uncle the alpha of this pack. When summer came, he moved to his uncle's pack. They lived by the beach in California and swam every day. One day the young wolf swam farther than he had before to the huge rocks far from his uncle's pack. He climbed onto a rock to take a break when he heard the sounds of splashing. He looked over the rock and saw a mermaid. Her fish-like tail was stuck in two rocks. He got closer as he held his hands up 'I wont hurt you, I want to help you.' he said hoping to make her feel better. He climbed on the rock next to her and held out his hand. She stopped splashing and froze, scared what would happen. He lifted the rock that her tail was stuck under. She quickly dove under water as he realised she was the love of his life. He put the rock back, happy he got to help his soulmate. He sat on the rock looking into the ocean hoping she would return. He went home a little bit later and refused to tell anyone what he had seen. Every day that week he went swimming hoping to see her again when one day he swam back to the rock where he first saw her again only this time she was there. When he climbed on the rock he fell off, he was surprised to see her. He climbed back on the rock as she sat there giggling. They said hello and told eachother their names. The mermaid and the wolf became close friends over the summer. The day before he had to leave she showed him a secret. She could turn into a human if she wished. They decided to go to his home together. Leaving her home behind she went with him to his home. They told no one of her secret, they only knew she was his mate. A few years later the wolf and the mermaid had a child. One summer they went back to her home to show her parents the baby. " I have heard this story a million times. What does it have to do with me? Then it hit me as she finished the story.  "Her parents met her above water and met the baby. A terrible storm started and they didnt vanish. I only told you that to make the story seem happier. Her parents and her turned back into a mermaid. They were stuck on land not able to get to sea. He went back to his uncle's house and left the baby there. He went back to her with some help. They made it to sea and he decided to stay by her side until the storm stopped. When it cleared they went back on land and they headed back to the uncle's house. A pack that used to live in this area started a war that day. They attacked him because they knew his uncle was the alpha. The only survivor of that attack was the beta of this pack, the beta died from his injuries shortly after telling the alpha what happened. The alpha went to the wolf's pack and left the baby with his brother. The alpha said she could not return until the war was over and she was of age to know the truth. Iara we came to this pack to bring you to your mother's home. You are the baby, you are finally of age and you are close to the age when you might have the ability turn into a mermaid." that only confirmed my suspicion. They held eachothers hands " Yes we aren't your biological parents but we are still your parents. Biologically we are your aunt and uncle." I looked down at the table thinking of if I should tell them what and who I found. I looked at the alpha " I am you great uncle biologically. The poeple who raised you, love you may not be biologically your parents but they still are your parental figures. Your cousin, their son, has already been informed of the truth. " I decided it would be best to only tell them about the mermaid part for now not about my mate. They looked at me "now that I know the truth it seems like everything makes a little bit more sense. I know and knew what I am a hybrid of before you told me. Yesterday night I went to the ocean and took shelter in a cave for the night. When I awoke I went for a swim, while still in wolf form to ensure I wouldnt be seen naked. Something happened to me, I thought I was drowning and something was reforming me. I changed for the first time this morning into a mermaid. I learned how to swim, creatures in the sea I never even knew existed , and that there is a pack or whatever they are called of them living near us." they nodded as they looked at me in shock. My great uncle looked at them then at me "do you have any questions for us, Iara?" I thought for a second "before I did have a few but you guys answered most of them already. Is my mother's home near by? Can I go see if I can find mermaids and mermen in the ocean? I will only leave for only a few hours each day." they nodded "yes your biological mother's home is near by, it's only right that you find mermaids and mermen to explain to you stuff we cant." I will try to meet Zale tommarow but I can't let them know I already found my mate. We ended the discussion with that and we all left the room. My uncle and aunt or my parents as I called them went for a run together while my great uncle and I talked. He told me what my birth parents were like. I learned that I have a second cousin and that the packs are now united because my second cousin's mate is the luna of the other pack. My uncle and aunt returned just before dinner. We ate in silence while the rest of the pack discussed things amongst themselves. We all went to bed shortly after dinner, allowing things to settle before speaking. I cant wait to see him again, my Zale, my mate.

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