Chapter Five

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I wonder if there are any more secrets. I listened in something about the pack we are staying in and................ me? What are they talking about?

I listened in "maybe she should stay here. This is where she was conceived, born, and where her biological parents lived. It seems only right she lives in the water with her biological mother's poeple if she found them." I heard a pause then she spoke "maybe. My little girl is growing up so fast before you know it she will find her mate. Let's go to bed and sleep on it." I entered the room I was staying in. I grabbed my shower stuff but thought about that decision. I went to bed after putting on some pjs. I fell asleep wondering what their decision might be.

—————Next Morning——————
My alarm went off as I groggily turned it off. I got ready for the day and went to the dinning room. The breakfast bell rang as I sat down and everyone else entered. As breakfast started I considered telling my parents. I thought about it during breakfast and decided I should. After breakfast I went to my room and decided on what I should say. I took a deep breath and went to find them. I asked my aunt, uncle, and great uncle to meet me in the conference room. I sat down in the conference room and waited. A few minuetes late my great uncle entered the room and we sat in silence. They entered a little later and sat down. I took a deep breath "I have something I want to tell you. I found someone, he is a merman and an amazing warrior. His name is Zale, he is my mate." they looked at me in shock "your mate? " I nodded. They looked at eachother "we were going to discuss something with you today or later on in the week but with this sudden finding, we have decided to tell you now. We have decided that we will visit you every now and then but if you wish you can live here and go to school here." I looked at them "we will let you think about it and at the end of this week we hope you will decide." I nodded. I already had came to a decision. My great uncle looked at me "is there anything else we wish to discuss?" I shook my head and they shook there heads. We all stood up and left the room. I left my phone in the room and went to my great uncle. I knocked on the door "hello. I was wondering if you have a pair of men's shorts I could borrow? My mate will be on land for the first time today." he looked up from his desk "yes I am sure we have something. Right this way." he led me down the hall to a large closet. He opened the door "this is the pack closet all extra clothes and sheets are in here. When you are done using them put them in the bin except for the underwear. I know he may need a pair. Keep or throw them out. The pack of underwear is right there. Have a good day and I will see you later. " he left me in the hallway and went back to his office. I collected a few pairs of underwear and two pairs of shorts. I placed them in a bag and closed the door before heading downstairs. I put the bag on my back and ran through the woods to the beach. I climbed inside of the cave and waited for him. I thought of a plan as I waited. I decided to try something. I got undressed and shifted into a wolf. I stepped into the water as I waited. I groaned as my body shifted to human then mermaid. I guess it was worth a try. I climbed out of the water and used a towel I brought with me to dry off my tail. I set the towel on the bag and waited. I put my clothes back on and sat down. He showed up a few minuetes later, he laid on the sand. He kissed me "Hello, Iara. I got the spell. I can turn into a human if and when I wish but I will turn back when I touch water like you! " I hugged him "yay! I am glad they said it was okay. I brought clothes." he laid on the sand. I held his hand and laid a towel on his lower half. I dried off his lower half and we waited. He squeezed my hand as he groaned, moaned, his eyes flinched and turned into human. I got clothes from the bag and handed them to him. He looked at me "I will need your help." I kissed him "well I will be seeing you naked anyways so what the hell." I held up a shirt. I helped him put it on and I grabbed the underwear. He looked at me confused "what is that?" I looked at him "underwear it covers your lower area and you put it on before you put on shorts." he nodded. He looked at me "I learned about the human male anatomy and various other things about humans." I helped him put his legs in the leg hole and put the underwear on his legs then I put the shorts on his legs. I helped him stand, he fell on me. I giggled "let me help you."  I pulled his pants up. He looked at me and I taught him how to stand without help then walk. I grabbed the bag and we carefully climbed over the water. We reached the sand just outside of the cave. We walked on the beach and to the forest. I stopped just outside of the forest and put my sandals on. He looked at me "here put these on. There can be pine needles on the ground and they hurt when you step on the bare footed." he took the flip flops from my hand. He looked at them then at me. I sighed "set them on the ground in front of you." he put them on the ground "now put them on your feet. I will help you." I wrapped my arm around his waist as he put the shoes on. At first he put them on wrong he finally got them on after a few tries. We walked into the woods, he looked around mesmerized by the world around him. He tensed up as a bird whistled behind us. I giggled "its just a bird. Land version of a small sting ray only difference is that birds come in various colores and sizes." he nodded. I took his hand in mine and led him deeper into the woods. I showed him what I could. We found a cave on the coast line. I looked at him and smiled. I stepped back and ran up to the cave as I started to climb the outside. I climbed up higher and when I reached the top I sat down. I looked at him "try to climb. I will help you, if I fall I will be fine. Werewolf healing abilities while I dont think you have any supernatural healing abilities." he started to climb. I took his hand in mine as I helped him up. He reached the top of the cave and sat down out of breath. I hugged him "what questions do you have about land?" he looked at me " you answered a few of them and showed me things I never knew existed. Can you turn whenever you want? I dont know any terms of land animals. " I kissed him. He smiled at me "yes I can turn whenever I want. A wolf's 'hand' is a paw. You know the furry thing that connects to my lower region? " he nodded "that's called a tail. The nose or long part of my face that sticks out is a snout or muzzle." he nodded. I looked at him and got up as I climbed higher. We found an entrance on the ground already. I saw the only entrance was underwater and by the tree. I climbed back over to him and sat down. He looked at me "what is that thing that you are using to hold your hair up called ?" I pulled the hair tie out of my hair as my hair fell down "a hair tie." I handed it to him. He looked at it, I giggled as he stretched it out and hit himself in the face. He looked at me "weird." he handed it back to me. I pointed out to the woods "look " he looked and saw the deer. He gasped "what is that?" I looked at him "it's called a deer." he nodded. The deer bounded off as a branch broke. I looked around "stay here for a second. " he nodded "what's wrong?" I kissed him "maybe nothing but I need to check something out."  I started to climb down. I jumped off the rock and looked for the wolf. I lowered to the ground, it sprang from its place and tried to tackle me. I growled at it "if you are a werewolf leave now and no harm will come to you." it sneezed. I snarled and darted up the cave wall. When I got to the center of it I looked at him. I took off my shirt "it cant see me up here. I have to shift it's an enemy." he stared at me. I took off my clothes and shifted. I clawed down the side of the cave and jumped onto the wolf. I snarled as we started to fight. I lunged and went for the throat. We fought and I managed to over power the wolf. I snarled and lunged for its neck again. I grabbed the back of its neck and threw it against a rock. It whined and limped over to me. It looked at me and ran away tail between its legs. I sneezed and howled. I looked up at him and checked for others. I shifted back and climbed up the cave. He stared at me and I got dressed. I kissed him "we should go inside of the cave before he returns with others. " he nodded. I grabbed the bag and threw it down. I climbed down the side of the cave and helped him climb down. He went in the entrance and I followed. We climbed down the cave's steep slope and I climbed back up again. I moved a rock in front of the entrance and climbed back down. He looked at me "your hurt." I shrugged "its nothing." he sat down and gestured for me to walk over. I sat down beside him "sit on my lap and turn around. " I obeyed. He touched my shoulder and reset it as I groaned in pain. He kissed my shoulder "you are a fast healer. The wound that was there before is gone." I nodded. I turned around and kissed him. He looked at me "we do have privacy in here." I nodded. I pointed at the water "and a way to enter the ocean."

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