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Xiao Zhan’s everyday life in Beijing is not the same anymore. During his vacant hours from work, Wang Yibo always called him for no particular reason. There were also times that the boy waited for him to end his shift and ask him out for dinner.

And this day is one of those days…

“Zhan Ge, here!” Wang Yibo called him to catch his attention.

The boy is waiving at him while wearing that bright smile. As soon as he sees Wang Yibo, he immediately went to his direction.

“Bodi, where are you bringing me this time?” he asked like an older brother and patted the boy’s head.

(Authors Note: Didi refers to Little brother in China and usually they connect it with the last syllable of the name of the person like Bodi: combination of Wang Yibo and Didi.)

“Let’s have a long drive tonight and then watch the stars together, Zhan Ge…” Wang Yibo answer.

He laughed as he heard Wang Yibo’s answer. After all, he realized that it’s not bad to have a little brother…

“I brought my big bike… Zhan Ge, let’s ride it together.”

“Okay, let’s go Bodi…”

Before they set out, Wang Yibo gave him another helmet and helps him to wear it…

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan ride the big bike with their hearts content in the streets of Beijing…

“Zhan Ge, embrace me tightly… I’ll drive faster from now on…”

Xiao Zhan knows that Wang Yibo is not joking. Right after he heard those words, he stretches his two hands and embraces him. There’s not a slight of hesitation to his action because he’s comfortable with him and they’re both boys as well, why need to be cautious?

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Xiao Zhan screams out loud while laughing. He never thought that he will enjoy this kind of dangerous ride.

He heard Wang Yibo chuckled and shouted as well just like him…

After a long drive, they stop at a park where they freely watch the stars…

“Whoah, I never thought that watching the stars here in Beijing would be this good…” he uttered.

Wang Yibo stared at Xiao Zhan and secretly smiled.

“Yeah… same here…”

“In my hometown, I always looked at the stars with my grandma… At a time like this, it made me miss her…”

“Do you want to visit her, Zhan Ge?”

Xiao Zhan looks at him and paused before saying anything…

“When I have enough money and when I can buy her a hearing aid, I’ll visit her… I still have a lot of time before holiday, so definitely I can save enough before that…”

“Zhan Ge, your grandma is so lucky to have you…” he sincerely said to him…

“Ahahaha, you think so?” Xiao Zhan shyly chuckled…

He nodded his head then watches the stars and said something to Xiao Zhan…

”And I’m one of those lucky people who found you…” he said.

Xiao Zhan couldn’t help but patted the boy's head...

“Lucky or not but I guess I’m the one who found you…” Xiao Zhan jokingly said to him… “See? I’m the one who looked for your address so----------- it’s me who found you…”

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