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Wang Yibo just nodded to Mian Mian and not even caring to smile when he saw her. As for him, they're not even talking to each other when they were classmate in high school, why talk to her now like they're being close?

"Yibo, how have you been?" asked by Chairman Jin.

"I'm good, Uncle Jin." He answered.

Wang Yibo just listened to them most of the time while eating their dinner. Though Mian Mian kept on inserting him in their conversation, he usually answered them two to three words or one sentence the most.

What he wanted to do right now is to go home. He wanted to eat the food that Xiao Zhan cooked for him.

"Right! Son, why don't you accompany Mian Mian to go to the art gallery exhibit this weekend?" suggested by Chairman Wang.

Mian Mian looked at Wang Yibo with full of anticipation, "Yibo, let's go together! It would be fun if I have someone to accompany with. It's nice to break free from work sometimes."

"Old Wang, glad you bring Yibo today." said by Chairman Jin and then looked at him (yb), "You, young people should enjoy your life."

Wang Yibo seriously looked at his father like he have something to say, and then answered Mian Mian.

"I'll go with you... But can I bring my lover?" He straightforwardly asked.

Chairman Wang stiffened when he heard his son said those words. He almost spit some angry words but held himself since there are other people.

There's a shocked reaction of course with Chairman Jin and Mian Mian, but they soon recovered.

"Oh... Y-You are in a relationship now?" Mian Mian confirmed and asked because he could not imagine Wang Yibo even now to like someone. She very well knows how cold is this man since then. 

"Yes.. We're even living together. Right dad?" he said proudly. "On weekend, my lover and I will visit mom. After that, we can accompany Mian Mian to the art gallery."

Chairman Wang coughed while Chairman Jin sincerely said something.

"I thought Yibo could not find someone he likes since his personality is so serious and cold. Your grandpa must be happy by this if he was alive." Chairman Jin said and turned his attention to Chairman Wang. "Old Wang, soon our kids will get married to the person they love.. We, the old people will be very glad watching them as they build their own family in the future."

Chairman Wang forced himself to smile and secretly reprimand his son in his mind.

After dinner, Chairman Jin and Mian Mian went on their separate ways.

"What are you thinking?! Why did you said that?" Chairman asked furiously.

"Why can't I say it?" He retorted it back to his father. "Dad, are you trying to match me with Mian Mian?"

Chairman deeply sighed, "No, it's not that... It's just that not all the time you will say to everyone that you are in a relationship. Think of your lover's sake. You're both a man!"

"I'm proud of him. We love each other and I don't care if we're both a man. Next time you match me with other girls, I will not work in the company anymore and will just find a job in other places." Wang Yibo said firmly and went away.

Wang Yibo arrived at home by 10 pm and he saw Xiao Zhan waiting for him in the living room.

He embraced Xiao Zhan right away and kissed him on the lips.

"How's your day?" Xiao Zhan smiled and asked him.

"Tiring... It's so hard to mingle with everyone..." Wang Yibo honestly answer.

Xiao Zhan nodded to him, "I cooked dinner earlier. I know you already ate, but you can taste it if you like."

"Ge, I'm still hungry. I can't even eat a lot in front of those people specially when I'm facing dad." He complained. "That old man is so cunning even letting me meet his business partner's daughter."

Xiao Zhan looked at Wang Yibo and chuckled, "Is she pretty?"

"Ge, not as pretty as you..." Wang Yibo said while caressing his (xz) face. "Mian Mian is my classmate during high school. We're not even talking before."

The truth is Xiao Zhan somehow worried about the business meeting. His intuition told him earlier that Wang Yibo might meet someone whom Chairman Wang like for his son to be with.

After preparing dinner, Wang Yibo eat heartily and from time to time he also feed the full Xiao Zhan.

"Dad even suggested to me to accompany Mian Mian on weekend at the art gallery." Wang Yibo continued. "I told them I will bring you..."

Xiao Zhan just listened and didn't even said a word. Even after they ate and shower, Wang Yibo kept on talking to him about what happened tonight.

Xiao Zhan lay down and face his back to Wang Yibo.

"Ge?" Wang Yibo called him in confusion.

"I'm tired, let's sleep." he said.

Even how much Xiao Zhan ignored everything and be positive, there's something inside him that it's not okay. He's older than Wang Yibo so he maturely tried to suppressed whatever that's bothering him for the whole day. 

Wang Yibo also felt the change of emotion of Xiao Zhan, "Ge..."

Xiao Zhan had no choice but to face Wang Yibo and forced a smile, "We will be busy tomorrow due to the upcoming holiday. Many packages needs to be delivered. Let's sleep early, okay?"

Wang Yibo looked at him in the eye and said, "No. Let's talk first."

"En?" Xiao Zhan uttered.

"Ge, do you have something to tell me? We promised to be honest to each other, remember?" Wang Yibo persuaded him to tell his real feelings.

"N-No, I--------" Xiao Zhan wanted to refute but then he still chooses to be truthful in front of his lover. "I-I'm just afraid and worried... I know your dad doesn't like me... I-I'm just a nobody... B-But I love you so much and I don't want to give you to others."

Wang Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan and saw his (xz) watery eyes.

"Ge, you don't have to be afraid. No one can break us apart. Even they are my parents, I would rather choose you than them... I'd also rather live a simple life with you that having everything without you..." Wang Yibo became emotional as well when he said that.

"Still, they are your parents... I will work harder until your parents gives us a blessing and accept me as your partner..." Xiao Zhan said with determined expression.

"Alright ge, we'll work together and prove to them that we are serious with this relationship.  Don't be afraid anymore... I don't like it when I see your watery eyes in pained... Except when we're doing it in bed..." Wang Yibo said and joked to make Xiao Zhan laughed.

They cuddled each other and kissed so deeply and then, "Ge, should I make you cry in bed now?"

"Shut up! Let's sleep!" Xiao Zhan said and then rest his (xz) head in Wang Yibo's chest...

Wang Yibo laughed and kissed Xiao Zhan's hair. In his mind, no matter what will happen in the future, he will not let go of his Zhan Ge. No one can separate them, he swear that with his life.


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