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Authors note:
-Talk about suicide or attempted suicide
-Self harming
-These boys are very feminine, (Eli and Nathan)so leave if this ain't your cup of tea.
-No hate coming from any of the names mentioned/used at all
-Plus, this isnt a futuristic story..so yeh

I personally dont have any of this, and those who do, I wish you best of luck on the road to recovery. So if I end up on something about any of these subjects that is incorrect, please DM me please so I can know for the future.
I don't tolerate hate. Leave if it's not your cup of tea. Bye~Angel_Cake32
Hi. I'm Eli Harper. Yes, the Eli Harper. Prince of Doncaria. Let me explain my life.

You know,

people often think that life can not go wrong in any ways. I thought that too. I thought my life could not get any worse until I met Noah. Until that, I was waited on hand and foot.

Waited on because I am royalty. When I met Noah, my life was no longer dull. I was finally happy, but no one has to know just yet. Let's go back, when my life was once dull...

But, I dont want to start here. I really want to get into my past of a childhood. I was born December 24th. As a 'gift' my mum and dad had once said.

Notice how I said once. Now being a hier to the throne, having a disgrace as a step-mother, and a horrible father, now king. I really hate both of them.

My mother died at age 32, as I was just 13. 'I was broken' is such a understatement. I was depressed so much, to the point I tried multiple times to end my life just to see my mother.

Life was hell. My dad blamed me for having her end her life. I didn't know why she had done it. He slapped, hit, punched, and just used me as his verbal and physical punching bag.

At 15, I found out as to why my mother went down as she did. She had written a letter and hid it in my mattress.

Dear my beloved son,
I love you with all my heart. I look upon you every day as to see pure bliss in your face as you have taken so much care for Phoebe, Dasiy, Fizzy , and Lottie even if they are your older sisters. I understand I left you to your father but I had to. He verbally used me and cheated on me. Made my life a living hell x10. Beat me up, saying 'I was a horrible mother' or 'You will never be good enough for this world. I am lucky to even be seen with him.' I hope your are not in the same situation as me when I am gone. Hopefully your father will see the better light of things. I realize you find me selfish, but I did it for all of you. My cuts, my 2 miscarriages, my bruises, my pain, all from your father and from the horrid group of people I call 'My birth family'. One day you will find this. I hope soon, and I love you. I really do. I love you LouBoo.

I cried. Cried so hard I had sobbed until nothing came out. I was furious. I was angry. She only ever called me LouBoo. My sisters even knew to never call me that unless it was mum.

After I tried ending my life several times, I was so done until to the point I was done trying. Just waiting, for my last breath. My 'father' saw me struggling. He saw me. Nothing.

How could she leave me? Why would she leave me? Is all I asked to myself. I prayed and prayed. I wished to wake up to her coming in my room and waking me up with her soft voice.

My prayers were never answered. Never solved, never happened. I gave up hope on God. I didn't care if I was gay, he'd understand..right?

She wont be here for my coronation as a king. Not as I graduated school, or for my 16th birthday. I was never comforted. I was never told it's all right. How life will be okay. How the sun will still shine.

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