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Noah's POV
"Okay. So now that we have arrived towards our destination, please head towards the right!" I joke, outloud as Zander and Logan stare at me for a second before they get the joke.

"I'm a Bradflara bad Boy. Not some person who just hang out with you oafs!" Zander exclaims loudly. Me and Logan laugh at Zander's sudden outburst.

Logan tries to make a smart remark as Zander and I exit our boat. But I come up with this smart remark.

"Zander. When you came out-" I started. "Don't!" Zander wispered yelled while Logan looked confused. "To your mom, It must have took her bi suprise!" I finished quickly.

I blocked a punch to the gut by Zander as he fell over; fuming. All while Logan thought for a moment before he got my joke. "Pfft-" Logan started. "THATS FUNNY!" Logan snorted.

He may or may not have a small crush on Logan, but that's not my secret to tell.

"Logan! Its not!" Zander said, stomping his foot, and whining like a four year old. Oh, and did I mention that when he does this, he gets all pouty? No? Okay. Well he does and its fucking funny.

"High five!" I yelled to Logan and he took it. I was cackling at Zander's reaction to my 'orible' joke.(Louis reference for those who dont know it. He never pronounces the H.)

As soon as I died down my laughter, we went on our way and headed to the 'Hell's Angels'.
Eli's POV

Escaping was certainly an easy task.

It wasn't very hard to escape at all.

Hence my calmness of the situation........psych.

Were running. Running for escape. I got the time wrong and we had to sneak past. It was going to be fine in Nathan; being the clumsy oaf he is, fell on a branch from the woods we were in.

After that, it all went downhill. Literally. A huge hill was stopping me and Nathan from escaping. How though, you might ask.

Well, the guard tower we originally escaped, had so many castle knights from the castle after Nathan had alerted them after falling on his face.

Sorry Eli! I didn't mean to trip on that branch! It came out of no where!

It's fine. We made it and we're not dead. Now sush so I can tell the story.

The hill was littered with knights as some staring walking into the woods with thier Bloodhounds and Bluetick Coonhounds.

There the best in the land and they dont give up easily. Were in deep shit now. Oh, and did I mention that running into the deep woods is no easy task?


Didn't think so. Because there not. There treacherous and tedious. We run and run and run but there seems to be no end....until.

I see a familiar pathway. Like very familiar. I dont think we've ever seen this pathway but it's worth a shot.

"Nathan! This way. On that path! Follow me!" I wispered yelled as I pointed to what looked like a very small path of trees. Small path for small people.

Nathan nodded with me, knowing there is no time for argument or other irrational decisions.

Like I said, I'm 5'4 and Nathan is 5'6. Were not exactly the tallest people in the kingdom. It's not easy being short. This height supposed to be a girls height. Not mine! I'm supposed to be like my dad!

As much as I hate him, he's 6'0. My mum was 5'2. I guess i got my height from her. My step-mum is 5'6...really? She's taller then me!

But desperate times call for desperate measures. We quickly run that way and hide behind a huge boulder. Why does this part of the woods look so familiar?

Sure when I was little I went into the woods, but not this deep. We hide until we herd knights pass us. Like 20 or 30!

There probley from Nathan's mum amd not my parents. Like they care about me. Funny. They could care less of I died. Just want an hier to the throne. That's all they need.

We hide into a nearby cave and waited a while. I am on lookout as he takes a nap. He sure gets tired easily.

But then I got to let my thoughts consume me once more.

My sisters can't. I'm done talking about my horrid family. My mum was right. Besides her, I hate calling them my family. Sure I'm related, but they treat me like shit. They could die without me caring.

I would say that I only need Nathan but I'm sure we will find a boyfriend then husband and leave me. That's why in trying to not get to attached to him.

Yet anyways. I want a boyfriend. So bad. I dont think I'm repulsing. In fact I think I'm pretty to certain point. My curves are very feminine and I was always told I have an ass. Does that make me self-absorbed? I dont want to be self-absorbed. I want people to like me. I try to not be a people pleaser.

But I am. I'm more submissive then most people. Sure when I get in the moment, I can be sassy, but that's just my shell to cover my insecurities. My stomach is pudgy and I try not to look that way.

My hips have dips, kinda for caring children, but I'm a male so that cant happen. The giving birth part. My thighs are massive. Even in my black skinny jeans.

I look into a puddle in the cave. The moonlight shines brightly. I smile st the sight until I see myself. My repulsive, sometimes disgusting self. Who was I kidding at that I'm even on the verge of pretty?

Who am I fooling? My floof, as I call it, is always kinda messy and swept to the side. I try to style it but it never corporates. My eyes are a dull blue color.

My skin is milky white in the pale moonlight.(Hey, that rhymed UvU)

I stare at the puddle for probley a good 30 minutes, letting my worst insecurities leak into my mind until I feel a light nudge from what seems to be a rather familiar hand.

"Hey, Eli. Are you okay? I herd you whispering about how your fat and no good. I'm serious when I say that your none of those things. It's just were your dad has gotten into your little head. Your pretty and amazing and curvy, not fat. Sure you have a small, unnoticeable pudge, but we all do." Nathan stopped but paused.

He paused for a good minute to think and continued.

"I'm done hearing you say these things. Your very smart and not dull. Hell, your eyes have lights in them and I'm sorry we have to flee this way. This is a new begining. Not end. New life, maybe boyfriend." Nathan said as he raised his right eyebrow slightly.

I gasped quietly. He really thinks I have a chance with a guy?? And even so, to be my boyfriend. I mean, that would mean the world to me. Nathan is the only person in the world that loves me.

"Your right. I'm sorry Nathan. In just worried about our new life. I wouldn't say together because we, you, will find a boyfriend soon and lea-"I rambled but Nathan cut me off.

"I will never leave your side. Even if we have children of our own or we go separate ways, I will always love you. Now that that's settled, let's go before we leave this hell-tale of a life." Nathan finishes.

And he is right. We live in a hell-tale untill we leave. But I want to visit the 'Hell's Angles' pub first. I have pepper spray and a good kick if anyone tries to force themselves on me or Nathan.

I hope that doesn't happen. But if it does, we are prepared. Hell, I have some sort of taser in my bag if that happened. Let's just hope not.

Hello my fellow book nerds! Or geeks and peeps. (Message me if you are familiar with that youtuber) I hopes you like this book so far. DM me for more ideas!

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