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Noah's POV(Don't get used to it. Mainly going to be Eli's but for the next chapter or so its gonna be his) (UwU)
The sirens are blaring.

Me, Zander, and Logan are running as bullets fly past us.

Dogs and guards are on our tails.

We would be dead if we weren't the three most dangerous criminals in the entire realm, world, whatever you wanna call it.

Hi. I'm Noah. Noah Brooks. The two men running with me are Zander Even and Logan Turner. My accomplices as you could call them. More like my best mates in the entire world.

Let's see. Where shall we start? Oh yeah. Our childhoods. Well, theres nothing really. We three grew up in a orphanage just behind Cheshida.

I'm from Chesida. My parents threw me out at 14 because I would bully others and get into really bad fights. Sometimes to the point where their dead. But no one has to know. Always the winner though.

I started doing drugs. They were fun I guess. Weed felt okay, but ecstacy pills were my high untill I got caught.

I made friends and allies, enemies, and 'buddies' out in the streets until I was found by police and thrown into an orphanage.

They didn't know that I had a what some call a mentality ill state of mind. I was and still am the most creative for killing people even before I was in the whole trio thing. I knew where to hide bodies in the most obvious places bound to never be found and how to burn the body correctly.

Logan is from Hampington. Logan's parents died at 10, because some rival gang had been owed some serious cash and took Logan under thier wing until they got busted. He joined me and Zander at 15 at the orphanage.

He really likes to keep his life personal. I understand why, just want him to open up, you know?

As for Zander? Hes a mystery. Showed up one day because..well...he brutally murdered his parents because they abused him of sorts. You know, the lots.

He really was a threat because he always went threw with his threats. Threaten by him that he was going to slit your throat? We you better have an obituary ready cause you're going to die soon.

I guess he's from Bradflara because he is very artistic and creative. Besides its criminals, it's a very pretty city known for its artists.

He was the first person I found pretty cool. He stayed silent for the first few months but warmed up to me.

As we became best mates, Logan entered the picture at 15. I had just turned 15 as he walked into those doors. He had a pretty nasty scar on his face from where he go cut by something sharp.

Told us on the first day we were nothing but "Dumbasses who's shit isn't together and how were just some stupid teens who couldn't figure out how to do shit."

Me and Zander wanted to test him out. Let's just say that whenever and however we sneaked up on him or fought him, he...well...kicked Zander's ass.  Doesn't mean he cant put up a good fight. Fuck no.

Me, he almost until he got sloppy and I swept my leg under both of his, pinned him down, and sent a good pop to the jaw.

Zander is pretty creative. He has the smarts and slickness like a snake, but not good fighting skills really. Sure there very good, but me and Logan..are better.

I dont know were I got my fighting skills. I guess be agile, always in the balls on my feet, and learning my techniques from ex-gang members teach you things.

I guess that's why being a gang for 4 years can do that to a person. At least for Logan though.Enough about us. I gotta explain why were running. Well, we just killed about 12 guards pretty easily escaping Erode. The most dangerous prison island in the entire world.

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