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Sorry guys >:) This contains explicit content at your own risk....

Eli's POV:

I kept walking up in sweats as I had numerous nightmares. I had panicked from not remembering where I was but then realized that I was kidnapped with Nathan.

He's fine. If you were worrying about him. Logan just spanked him. Those sickos think it's okay to do so. I would fight back but I've learned my lesson on that a while ago.

I kinda like Zander. Hes pretty crazy, sure, with a few screws loose, but he's pretty funny. His girlfriend Poppy is really pretty. Oh what I'd give if I had a body like her's!

Zander and Poppy remind me of the Joker and Harlequin. Only switch thier genders and boom. You got this couple.

Noah is okay I guess. He's...yeah he's not okay. I lied. He's psychotic with so many screws missing it's bad.

And the worst part is when me and Nathan just want to cower in fear and Logan wont let him fucking go! Like fuck off psycho!

We boarded this ship's furnace room what, 2 hours ago? I think. I've lost count as soon as I woke up. Nor could I care anymore. I just want to die to be honest with everyone.

"Hey Eli. Are you okay?" Nathan whispered. "Yes Nathan. I'm okay. Im not worried at all if these guys want to use is as sex toys and then discard us somewhere we dont know." I whispered back. I was beyond furious! How could they treat us like some sex objects?

"My collar hurts. Why'd they put leashes on us? And why am I wearing bike shorts with his sweater?" Nathan questioned me. Like I knew. But I wasnt going to snap at my best friend. I dragged us into this. He doesn't deserve this. I deserved to be treated like the slut I am.

*Sighs*"I don't know what they want from us Nathan. We just got here and I am confused as well too. I'm sorry for dragging you into this." I whisper after my thoughts.

He looks at me confused and then goes wide-eyed. Why did he go wide-eyed? "Nathan, are you okay? We have to escape not fear them! Sure they are taller then us but we can-" I get kicked by Nathan to shut up but I don't.

"-Can escape these psychos and run away. Or at least hide-" "Shut up Eli!" He whispers. Rude, but no. "No I wont shut up! I'm trying to explain that if we get these collars and leashes they have us on then we...we...could go to the ships crew! We can tell them they kidnapped us! Doesn't that sound like a good plan?!" I finish.

Nathan just continues to go wide-eyed until I feel a tap on my shoulder. Just great, now what?

I try to turn around as I am hoisted upon some frog's shoulder and carried into a different ship room or whatever. "LET ME GO YOU FROG!" I scream until I receive a sharp snack on my ass.

Well shit. I try to not get in trouble and this happens. "Really nugget? This is how you treat us? Were trying to escape so you can live with us and escape that horrible home life. Not for you to run away and talk trash to your friend who is getting taken care by Logan. You don't have to worry about him-" Noah rambles as I just roll my eyes and zone out.

Who the fuck does he think he is? He's first, not my mum or my horrible dad, not my parental unit, not my friend or boyfriend or anything and certainly not my "Daddy". Why does he want me to call him that?

"Listen Princess! Do you want another punishment?" Noah ask me rhetorically and I answer just to smart off.

"Yup. Because you would dare." I say and smirk, thinking I won the argument. But boy was I wrong.

Noah just smirks and says before leaving "Okay. You wanna play it that way? We'll play that way." I just gulp as a response and he clips the end of my leash to a big iron pole and leaves me.

Pfft. He won't do shit. He likes me to much right? He won't actually hurt me right? Like no beer bottles or punches? Oh no, I've screwed up really bad! "IM SORRY!" I yell but no anvil.

"IM SORRY DADDY JUST DONT HIT ME OR PUNCH ME!" I yell as he comes back in with a bag. Oh no. "Please don't hurt me! I don't want to be punished anymore! I'll be your good boy and I'll obey you!" I cry as he comes closer.

He grabs my face and just looks at me with no emotion in his face what so ever. "Oh princess, what will I do with you? You've disobeyed me, talked about escaping us, you've smarted off and spankings haven't helped your attitude. So tell me nugget. Why?" He finished with an even tighter grip on my chin.

I just look down in shame as he just doesn't give up. "Tell me or your punishment will worsen." He growls and I just turn beet red. His growl is sexy, hell, he isnt bad for a- hey!! Hes a criminal, no-no I can't fall for him!

"What's wrong nugget? Are you to flustered to speak?" He taunts me. "N-no. I'm n-not." I stutter. Damn, what is he doing to me? He must have me under some spell. He starts to chuckle darkly as I just wait for what sick kicks he has planned.

"I was going to fuck you. Fuck you into oblivion, maybe even ruin you to a point you can't walk or talk, littered is bruises by me and maybe some blood. But I have a different set of mind for you, at least we can so that after this entire "plan" is executed." He explains as I just shudder. What does he really have in mind?

"I think," He walks up to me and grabs my free and and puts it into the other cuff. He lifts the cuffs onto a metal bar and I start to dangle a couple of feet off the ground.

"Hey!! Put me down you-" I start only to get cut off. "Let me guess. Asshole? Psycho? Criminal? Oaf? Frog? Faggot? I've herd it all sweetie." Noah finishes and bats his eyelashes.

He really has then. This will be harder then I thought then. "I-I" I try forming words but i just get a bandana from his pocket stuffed into my mouth and tied around my head.

"Be quiet nugget. This will only get worse if you move. Now, are you a virgin?" He ask and I go flustered. What was he planning to do to me?

I thrash and thrash but nothing. He just watches me in amusement before he heads over to the mysterious bag he brought in. He pulls out a bottle, a strap?, and something I can't tell because of the poor lighting in here.

"Wff-HEY!" I try to yell but just comes out as a loud muffle. "Be quiet princess or I will punish you more." He whispers and I glare at him. I look at his hands as he approaches me and I am completely baffled.

A bottle of some liquid, a strap with a ring on it, and a arrow looking object(that's all I got leave me alone). I am completely baffled as to what the hell is going on in his head.

He looks at me; while his hand is going to the hem of my leggings. I quickly thrash and thrash until he ties my legs together. Nonononononononono not again! I cant handle this again!!

I start to cry as he stops; looking at me with the same emotionless face at me. He sighs and stops his movement. I stop with my tear covered face, silently sobbing with my head hung low so I could only see his feet.

After a couple of moments he ask "Color princesses." I look up at him and avoid his gaze. "Red." I mumble. "What? Speak princess or I wont ask again." He harshly says. "RED YOU FUCKING IDIOT! CAN'T Y-"I get cut of by his hand and he glares at me as I'm about to spit in his hand. I stop and he speaks. "Alright. No vibraiter punishment then...20 with my hand, okay?" He says and I nod.

He starts and I jolt forward with pain as I take the punishment...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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