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Dedicated to:

The picture is important later⬆️.
Eli's POV----

I hear whispering and crying. But not just any crying,.........Nathan's crying...oh no. No nononono!

I open my eyes to see me being handcuffed to a nice bed that's 4 times my size and a evil Noah at the end of it. This can't be happening!

No! This isnt how this is supposed to go! We were supposed to escape and leave our awful lives behind! Not being held captive by these insane criminals!

"LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AND I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING!" I yell at him. He just sits there and smirks before he speaks.

"Now, now princess. Is that how we speak to your Daddy?" He says. Like I said before and I'll say it again.

Oh hell no. I am not calling that psycho a disgusting name 3 year olds call thier dads. I mean, eventually when I have a boyfriend I might  call him that but still! Not this psycho!

"FOOK YOU. LET ME GO. I WILL NEVER CALL YOU THAT!" I yelled as I trashed and tried to break free. Damn, are these hand cuffs are good. I will break his balls if I have to.

And if that other psycho Logan lays a hand on Nathan I will kill these 2 both.

This next part I regret so badly.

Noah just laughs evily and looms over me. His body frame must be at least 6 ft. Why am I always so short? I barely reach his shoulder for fucks sake
Don't we all just find that lovely?

"Get. The. Fook. Away. From. Me." I say through gritted teeth and spit in his face. Noah just moves out the way and it lands on my face.

Okay, first off eww. Second, karma's a bitch.

Noah just laughs it off and he smirks. I hate his fucking guts. All I wanted to do was escape my home life with my best friend. But instead I am stuck here with a lunatic that wants me to call him Daddy.

I probably missed the cargo ship and am now stuck here! I could be dead. I mean death is better then being with this stupid criminal.

I'm interpreted when I hear Noah start to chuckle then laugh evily with his signature evil smirk.

"Now, now my feisty little prince. Or do you prefer cub? Nugget? Princess? Doesn't matter." Noah rambels on as I just roll my eyes.

"I prefer nothing you dumbass! Just let me go!" I yell.

"Like I said before nugget. Nugget...hmmm. I'm going to call you that!" Noah finally decided.

I just rolled my eyes again and Noah's expression quickly fades to a serious, stone cold frown. And that's when I regret my words because, hell, he could shoot me into oblivian and harvest my organs!

"I suggest Nugget that you stop that or your punishment will be even bigger." Noah spat.

Punishment? What am I, four? You know what, just for that I will retaliate like the stubborn and sassy prince I am.

"No." I said flatly and rolled my eyes again.

Oh boy. If I knew what would of happen next I would if kept my mouth shut!

And just like I was uncuffed by the psycho and put on his lap in the bed. I felt my skinny jeans I was wearing being pulled down to my ankles. And then my panties....god.

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