Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Gaston's POV

Time Skip... Two Weeks Later...

   I'm halfway through today's lesson and I feel very anxious. Lefou caught a cold last night and I've been worried sick (no pun intended) about him. Adam can tell that something is off with me and has been very patient when I linger a bit too long with answering his questions, fulfilling tasks, etc. When class finally does end for the day, I immediately dash up to Lefou's room to check on him. I quietly open the door and peak in to see if he's awake... and he isn't. He's out cold in bed, snoring quite audibly. I frown, my poor baby is exhausted. I sigh and carefully plop down in the bed next to him. He's so exhausted that he doesn't even stir at the sudden movement in the bed. 

       I stare at him for a few minutes before I begin to doze off a bit. I don't fall asleep entirely though in case Lefou needs something. He wakes up about a half an hour later and bursts into a coughing fit. I frown and gently help him sit up. "Aw Lefou, I feel so bad for you. I wish I could trade places with you in being sick if I could. Do you need anything at all? I can go downstairs and prepare any remedy that would sooth you." Lefou attempts to answer my question but instead coughs even more for a couple minutes straight before he's able to even speak. His voice is hoarse as he does so. "I'd love some cough syrup and water." I nod and kiss him on the forehead. "I'll be right back with both of those things." He gives me a tired smile and I make my way downstairs. 

          Belle is in the medicinal area offset to the kitchen and watches me frantically searching for the cough syrup. She giggles as she holds a jar of it up to my face. "Are you looking for this Gaston?" I blush out of embarrassment. "I am actually, thank you Belle." She smiles. "No problem. I heard Lefou caught a nasty cold which I'm sorry to hear about. I hope he feels better soon." I smile softly at her. "Thank you, I'll forward your kind message onto him. I also need a glass of water and then I'll be on my way." She motions to where the glasses are and I fill one up with water. I then bring both upstairs carefully. "Lefou, I have both the cough syrup and some water." I hand the cough syrup to him first and watch him shallow it whole before giving him the glass of water. 

         "I'm sorry it took me so long. I didn't know where either thing was but I happened to run into Belle who showed me. Now I know for future reference so that's good I suppose." Lefou sneezes. "Thank you dear. Can you stay with me for awhile?" I smile. "Of course I will. I also arranged with the kitchen staff to have dinner brought up here for the both of us tonight. I know you're not feeling up to eating with a crowd and honestly neither am I. Belle and Adam are very understanding and shouldn't have any obligations to this arrangement." Lefou nods along and leans his head on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around him and keep him close to me, even long after he falls back asleep once again. I could get used to having moments like this forever, I truly could.

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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